Friday, 14th February 2025

PM Drew invites global investors to St. Kitts and Nevis Investment Gateway Summit 2024

The five day event is the perfect platform for anyone seeking to know more about the Federation and it citizenship by investment programme.

Tuesday, 11th June 2024

PM Drew invites global investors to St. Kitts and Nevis for inaugural Investment Gateway Summit
St. Kitts and Nevis: Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew has extended a personal invitation to all the people across the world to attend the inaugural St Kitts and Nevis Investment Gateway Summit from July 10 to 14, 2024.

The five day event is the perfect platform for anyone seeking to know more about the Federation and it citizenship by investment programme.

While extending an invitation, Dr Drew said that this is the first time that a country is hosting such an event, and it will see economic citizens from all around the world gathering on the shores.

Shedding a light on the island nation, he said that it is like no other, with several of the citizens who have come home claiming that it is important to put what St. Kitts and Nevis offers into words, it is simply that one must experience firsthand.

The Prime Minister further added, “And so it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our beautiful country. Be part of this global community where we will learn from each other and inspire one another.”

It is to be noted that the summit will bring together from all corners of the globe to connect, collaborate and celebrate and this is a perfect opportunity for the discerning investors to make themselves at home in their second home country.

PM Drew said that he is looking forward to seeing everyone there with the distinguished guests, from a transformative gathering that will shape the nation into a modern sustainable island state, touching the lives of several in the process.

The five day event provides a perfect itinerary for everyone to explore the island nation and know the reasons why is it still known as the region’s best-kept secret.

The Investment Gateway Summit 2024 will kick off with a Welcome Cocktail Party on July 10. It will take place from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Marriott Hotel.

The next day will be followed by arrival and registration at the Marriott Hotel from 8:30 am to 9:30 am and Welcome Remarks at 9:45 am. There will also be a cultural presentation of Royd Phipps Drummers and Break, Connect & Exhibition. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Drew will give the welcome remarks followed by a cultural presentation of Okolo Dancers and lunch. In the evening, visitors will take a scenic railway tour of St. Kitts, making it a perfect end to the day.

July 12 will begin with Connect and Exhibition at Marriott Hotel at 8 am, followed by discussion panels and presentations. Guests will also be provided a Caribelle Batik and Old Road Rum Tour as well as Gala Dinner by Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew.

The next day will start with a day trip to the sister island of Nevis, which will conclude with a sunset cruise to St. Kitts. On July 14, visitors will indulge in a farewell breakfast at Kittitian Hill while reflecting on the insights gained and connections made during the Investment Gateway Summit.

The unique and luxurious summit will be one for the history books and will provide significant updates to the guests who will be arriving from across the globe to the twin-island nation in the Caribbean.