Saturday, 22nd February 2025

Dominica: Mask mandate remains in effect, schools open & more as govt reviews COVID guidelines

The government of Dominica reviewed COVID-19 related protocols on Monday and released new guidelines.

Tuesday, 29th March 2022

Dominica: Mask mandate remains in effect, schools open & more as govt reviews COVID guidelines
The government of Dominica reviewed COVID-19 related protocols on Monday and released new guidelines. Minister for Health, wellness, and New Health Investment Dr. Irving McIntyre stated that the mask mandate will remain in place and will be reviewed in May 2022.  The general protocols allow all public transportation to operate at total capacity as the physical distancing of six feet is no longer mandatory. All school are resuming to face to face learning starting from 3rd term in April. 


All general protocols
  1. Restrictions on visitation to the prison, hospitals, and homes for the aged have been removed. The Public should note that these institutions will formulate internal policies for visitation in keeping with the health protocols
  2. Restrictions on religious gatherings removed
  3. Churches are no longer restricted to a maximum attendance of 150 and may operate at a full capacity
  4. Daycares and pre-schools will be allowed to reopen in keeping with the health protocols developed for these establishments with effect from April 04. 
  5. Primary and secondary schools will return to face-to-face learning for the 3rd term on April 25. 
  6. All other educational institutions will resume normal operations in keeping with their academic schedules. 
  7. All bars are allowed to resume normal operations
  8. Nightclubs are allowed to reopen for under 300 patrons with strict adherence to health protocols
  9. Restrictions on social activity such as private parties, sporting activities with fewer than 300 in attendance have been removed
  10. For special events with above 300 patrons, a special event permit is required. Proof of vaccination or negative antigen test result within 24 hours of entry is required, and other health protocols will be applied
  11. Sporting events with above 300 patrols will be hosted under the revised Special Event Protocols
  12. Nightclubs hosting events for over 300 patrons must also comply with the Special Event Protocols
The Mask mandate remains in effect
  • The mask mandate remains in effect and will be reviewed in May. The removal of the mask mandate will depend on an increase in vaccination numbers and a further reduction in COVID-19 cases
  • Masks must be worn on public transportations, in public buildings including supermarkets, other similar businesses, or in places including in a public space