Saturday, 22nd February 2025

Culturama Festival: Nevis introduces affordable stay initiative for visitors

This year, the festival is being held under the theme "Celebrating Culture, Embracing History, It's Culturama 50!". It will be held from July 25 to August 6, 2024. 

Friday, 26th January 2024

Culturama 50: Nevis unveils Homestay Programme for affordable accommodation (PC - Facebook)
St Kitts and Nevis: As Nevis is all set to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Culturama Festival, Premier Mark Brantley announced the 'Homestay Programme'. The initiative will provide alternative and affordable accommodation to visitors and returning nationals during the festival celebrations. The initiative is being arranged by the Ministry of Tourism of Nevis, the Nevis Tourism Authority and Culturama Secretariat. They strive to provide an enriching, authentic Nevisian experience that will bring economic benefit to locals.  Under the initiative, the organisers will also assist in attaining sustainable tourism and the promotion of tourism within rural communities, as well as will spread tourism spending and boost economic development overall.  The Culturama Festival, which was established in 1974, has become the most anticipated in the history of the island. This year, the festival is being held under the theme "Celebrating Culture, Embracing History, It's Culturama 50!". It will be held from July 25 to August 6, 2024.  [caption id="attachment_67031" align="aligncenter" width="2048"] Glimpse of last year's Nevis Culturama Festival[/caption] While announcing the Homestay Initiative, the Nevis Culturama Committee said that in St Kitts and Nevis, tourism is a major contributor to the economic sector.  They added that as the Federation prepares for the 50th anniversary of Culturama, Nevis Culturama Committee is collaborating with the tourism authorities of Nevis to expand the accommodation sector through a homestay programme. The Committee also said that this is in response to the high demand of requests to book accommodations by visitors and returning nationals during the Culturama 50 period. 

Overall Goal of the Programme

This product represents the tourism goal of achieving sustainable tourism and growth in community-based tourism (CBT). The goal of this product is for tourists to engage in local culture, such as local foods, festivals and traditions that will be on display at Culturama. 

Categories of Homestay Programme

  • True Nevisian Experience (renting a room in a Nevisian home/shared space)
  • Apartment/Guest House
  • Luxury Nevisian Homes and Villas
The other details of this initiative, including how to book the accommodations, will be provided soon by the Nevis Culturama Committee.  Meanwhile, the social media users loved the idea and appreciated the Committee for launching something unique like this. "Powerful! And a great initiative for Culturama 50, looking forward to the Big events," wrote a user named Theodora Brooks, while another user said, "This is such a brilliant initiative being rolled out here. I am learning so much. Can't wait to return for Culturama 50."