Monday, 17th February 2025

JBI to Facilitate Investment and Modernisation of Plants

Wednesday, 10th April 2019

Bauxite Community Development Programme Project Coordinator at the Jamaica Bauxite Institute, Clarence Osbourne.

The primary focus of the Jamaica Bauxite Institute (JBI) for 2019/20 remains facilitation of the industry in respect of increasing investment and modernisation of plants, consistent with sound environmental practices; and access to bauxite reserves.

This is according to the 2019/20 Public Bodies Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure.

The Institute plans to carry out its role by ensuring allocation and efficient use of bauxite reserves, managing and protecting bauxite lands and promoting the welfare of communities impacted by bauxite mining operations, encouraging the efficient production of alumina from bauxite, and full compliance with agreements and environmental regulations.

Focus will also be placed on verifying bauxite-consumption data and strengthening the quality of human resources, thus enabling the Institute to achieve efficiency in its functions.

The JBI was established by the Government in 1975 as a regulatory, planning and development agency to manage the sovereign aspects of the Government’s participation in the bauxite/alumina industry.

The Institute manages the Bauxite Community Development Programme (BCDP), which funds development projects aimed at generating employment in communities within the vicinity of bauxite and alumina operations.