Tuesday, 22nd October 2024

Nevis: CCM leads creative economy transformation with world-class performing arts venues

Under the leadership of Premier Mark Brantley, the administration has made significant strides to provide a solid infrastructure for the performing arts.

Thursday, 10th October 2024

St Kitts and Nevis: The Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM)- led by Nevis Island Administration has tirelessly worked to foster a thriving creative economy in Nevis and the wider Federation.

Under the leadership of Premier Mark Brantley, the administration has made significant strides to provide a solid infrastructure for the performing arts.

The developments include the upgradation of all venues for the performing arts including the NEDACS Cultural Village, the Cultural Complex and the Nevis Performing Arts Center (NEPAC).

The CCM also built the David Freeman Center of Excellence in the heart of Gingerland, which is designed to host smaller performances outside the city centre.

In addition to this, the administration has secured a significant investment in musical instruments and equipment and intend shortly to announce the introduction of music instruction in all our schools.

The Malcolm Guishard Recreational Park has also been made available for hosting of events such as Tropixx while the CCM has also extended partnerships to promoters and others to stage events in Nevis.

While sharing the update, Premier Brantley noted that Nevis is now one of the few places in the entire Caribbean with ready-made “plug and play” venues for the performing arts.

Mark Brantley encouraged the creatives in Nevis and the wider Federation to make full use of these facilities and added, “We have built them. It’s now up to you to use them. We stand ready, willing, and able to partner with you as we continue growing Nevis together.”

With these number of developments, the CCM government strives to enhance the creative industry in Nevis and provide the individuals involved in this sector with a proper platform to showcase their talent. 

As the Premier shared the development on his official Facebook account, several locals lauded him as they were delighted to get venues to showcase their exceptional skills. 

“Some real top-class venues indeed. I love the line “plug and play”. This is a government that seeks to develop its people wholesomely,” wrote a user named Oscar Browne, while another user said, “My mind is racing with ideas.”