Monday, 31st March 2025

Guest Article: Deception and Hypocrisy exposed!

SC Anthony W. Astaphan writes a guest article exposing the opposition of wrongdoings

Thursday, 28th November 2019

After the controversial documentary released by international organisation Al-Jazeera, people of Dominica are in fury against the opposition. Specialist, SC Anthony W. Astaphan wrote a comprehensive report exposing UWP leaders’ involvement in embezzlement of national funds for their personal gains. Below, there are some incidents where opposition United Workers Party and its leaders including Lennox Linton are exposed with evidence. Edison James Prior to the 2005 election Edison James travelled to Switzerland. This approved by the UWP Executive. Edison C James stayed at the Hotel Helmhaus. There Mr. James met with a number of foreign nationals with high net worth. As a direct result, Mr. James was able to secure the campaign financing for the 2005 election from six of the persons he met in Zurich of some 3 million ECD in exchange for diplomatic passports.    Transfers in 2005 Transfer records disclose that the campaign contributions negotiated by Edison James ranged from one hundred and fifty thousand (USD$150,000) to three hundred thousand dollars (USD$300,000) from six persons. This amounts to some 3 million of dollars ($EC) which were telex transferred to Dominica, and subsequently distributed to Edison C James ( in cash) and companies in Dominica, owned and controlled by executive members of the UWP. The records disclosed the following
  • Cash payments to Edison C James
  • 5th January 2005 Cheque # 1573 to XX company for EC$290, 000
  • 5th January 2005, cheque # 1574 to Nicks Apartments for EC$98, 000
  • 12th January 2005, cheque # 1585 to XX company for EC$510, 000
  • 3rd February 2005, cheque # 1619 written to Nicks Trading for EC$95, 000.00
  • 3rd February 2005, cheque # 1620 to XX company for EC$385, 000
  • 24th February 2015 cheque # 1731 to XX company for EC$500, 000
  • 14th March 2005 cheque # 1822 to XX company for EC$335, 000 
  • 8th April 2005, cheque # 1882 to company for EC$500, 000
  • 8th April 2005, cheque #1888 written to Carib Intercontinental Limited for $50, 000
  • 17th April 2005, cheque #1914 written to Carib Intercontinental Limited for $100, 000
  • 19th April, cheque #1919 to XX company for $90, 000
  • 23rd April, cheque #1937 to XX company for $400, 000
  • 26th April, cheque # 1939 written to Carib Intercontinental Limited for $150, 000
SCL and 2009 In 2009 persons paid SCL/Cambridge Analytica 1.5 Million USD to manage the UWP’s campaign. These are indisputable facts. Despite these facts Lennox Linton continued his masquerade as a crusader. In 2017 he jumped on the CBS news bandwagon but not a word about 2005 or 2009; only unsubstantiated allegations against Prime Minister Skerrit. Not once did he pause to look into the blue mirror. Al Jazeera and Linton in 2019  Then came November 2019 when we learnt of a possible Al Jazeera documentary on Dominica, engineered by Trevor Johnson and the ex-con Kenneth Rijock. Linton has himself admitted multiple communications with Al Jazeera. The country therefore waited with baited breathe with the UWP celebrating an early demise for the Prime Minister. By the 45th minutes of the documentary most, if not all of us, were bored stiff as all we heard and saw about our Prime Minister were recycled allegations from Trevor, Linton and MasintheCemetery. But this boredom exploded from the 47th minute of the documentary when new and damning revelations concerning Linton exploded. OJ and David Bruney were recorded negotiating in express and detailed terms campaign funds for the UWP and its Leader in exchange for diplomatic passports to be issued by Linton within 28 days of his election. Memoranda of understanding were prepared by Bruney who confirmed his full knowledge of OJ’s actions, representations and request for 400,000.00 USD. One was sent to the prospective Ambassador. Al Jazeera noted the failure to mention contributions.  One of these memoranda were actually signed by Mr Lennox Linton, a most transparent act of knowledge and acquiescence.  As the revelation settled, it was obvious that Emperor Linton was caught in a tangled web of deceit, well before the cocks crowed in the villages. For so many months and years we spoke of Linton’s many faults, flaws and defects of Linton, his pathological tendency to violence and lies, hypocrisy and lifestyle without a regular job. Those who supported him closed their eyes and ears to us. But I knew one day the truth would be told, and the real Linton will be seen by all. The 3 million dollars cashed in 2005 was too good to let go. The 1.5 million USD of 2009 was much too beneficial to forget. After all, Edison James did tell us Linton had the Midas touch, all that he touches would turn into money!  The public explanations of Linton and Bruney which followed the Al Jazeera broadcast were pathetic. The suggestion these memoranda, concerned only the “selection of an asset recovery team” and not contributions is laughable for at least two reasons. First, OJ and David Bruney made it clear that this was all about money for the UWP. They even sought their commissions. Second, Linton in opposition had only recently publicly threatened to use established international criminal agencies like the FBI, Scotland Yard etc to chase the fictitious missing money in the bushes. Something however happened to make him change his mind because on the eve of an election Linton wants us to believe that the FBI etc are no longer relevant, and that the appointment of unknown Ambassadors would be his new detectives and investigators if elected Prime Minister. That something may well have been the desperate need for campaign funds.  Lennox Linton now stands exposed, snared on Al Jazeera, with all that was said about him in the last few years confirmed as true, finally. Anthony W Astaphan SC