Tuesday, 4th March 2025

Grenada: Breakwater in Sauteurs completes Sea Moss Marine culture exercise

The exercise focused on making the transition to eliminate the use of plastic bottles as flotation mechanisms and replace them with bamboo, which is environmentally friendly, unlike plastic bottles, which are unsightly and ecologically hazardous. This is a Climate Smart method of Sea Moss Cultivation.

Wednesday, 24th November 2021

Grenada: Breakwater in Sauteurs completes Sea Moss Marine culture exercise

Grenada: On Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, a Sea Moss Marine culture exercise was completed at the Breakwater in Sauteurs, St. Patrick, facilitated by Mr. Merryman and his team.

The exercise focused on making the transition to eliminate the use of plastic bottles as flotation mechanisms and replace them with bamboo, which is environmentally friendly, unlike plastic bottles, which are unsightly and ecologically hazardous. This is a Climate Smart method of Sea Moss Cultivation. [caption id="attachment_39078" align="alignnone" width="1536"]Grenada: Breakwater in Sauteurs completes Sea Moss Marine culture exercise Grenada: Breakwater in Sauteurs completes Sea Moss Marine culture exercise[/caption] Grenada is experiencing various environmental transformations; as Moaflagrenada said that, Farmers of the St.Mark’s Farmers Association are expected to benefit tremendously, as they have established one plot of Trichanthera Trees.

The trees planted last week, rich in nutrients, can be used as forage for their livestock. The farmers of this group can begin harvesting from between 4-6 months of planting. These trees thrive well in loamy soils; they are adaptable in acidic soils, have an excellent moisture-holding capacity, and are tolerant of drought conditions.

[caption id="attachment_39079" align="alignnone" width="2048"]Grenada: Breakwater in Sauteurs completes Sea Moss Marine culture exercise Grenada: Breakwater in Sauteurs completes Sea Moss Marine culture exercise[/caption] Kenly Edwards, CSA Coordinator at SAEP, explained that more Tricanthera Trees would be planted on different farming plots. Our Ministry very much welcomes this Community Awareness project.

In the previous week, Ministry Endorses the introduction of Trichanthera to Farmer as part of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Community Awareness

The Climate Smart Agriculture and Rural Enterprise Programme (SAEP), through the use of Tricanthera or Madre de Agua; a high protein source native to Colombia; the Climate Smart Agriculture & Rural Enterprise Programme (SAEP), held an informative, practical session engaging farmers of the St.Mark’s Farmer’s Organisation in the previous week.

The activity demonstrated the practices involved in the Establishment of trichanthera along with CSA practices:

-Site selection

-Manual land preparation

-Plant material selection

-Organic potting mix for Propagation



These small steps will make Grenada more ecologically better, and there will be more ecological balance in the nation. Various campaigns are happening all over the world to fight against climate change, and it is one of the measures.

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