Wednesday, 12th March 2025

'We're All Family Now': Protesters Gather for Free Christmas Dinner in Hong Kong

Thursday, 26th December 2019

Hundreds of anti-government protesters and their supporters assembled outside a little café in Hong Kong for an unpredictable Christmas supper, sharing paper plates heaped high with nourishment under neon road signs.

"Hong Kongers have progressively joined this Christmas (then) in earlier years," said Glory, the 31-year-old proprietor of Kwong Wing Catering, as he dispensed noodles, seared chicken, and pasta from silver plate.

"There is no Christmas environment (this year), yet there is a solid feeling of solidarity," he said. The entirety of the nourishment on offer on Wednesday was free and arranged by the eatery or gave by a few supporters.

Outside the restaurant, several clients, a significant number of them on furlough dissenters, held up in line as vacationers and different customers swarmed the famous Tsim Sha Tsui territory.

Jeanette, a 22-year-old college understudy, gulped bubble tea and pudding with her companion Yoyo as they talked about their vacation plans. They would regularly go through Christmas with their families; however, felt for this present year must be extraordinary. The two ladies said they had been associated with quiet fights since the late spring.

"We're all family currently," said Jeanette, glancing around at all of the different supporters eating around her. "We're here because we need to help this shop, which has bolstered such a significant number of young people and nonconformists on the bleeding edge," said Yoyo between significant pieces of pudding.

Kwong Wing Catering is one of the numerous organisations that are a piece of the alleged "yellow economy" crosswise over Hong Kong that is known for their help of the master vote based system crusade. Brilliant post-it notes with expressions of support from clients enriched the café's windows.

One of the culinary specialists booked to cook at the dinner turned into a kind of society saint in the wake of preparing for attacked understudy nonconformists at Polytechnic University in November.

He should cook for his supporters on Wednesday, however, was captured by police before in the week, as per the café's Facebook page. It was not quickly evident why the gourmet expert had been arrested.

Hong Kong has been involved in against government fights since June, which give no indications of decreasing. Darkly clad dissenters walked through Christmas-enriched shopping centres crosswise over Hong Kong on Wednesday as police terminated nerve gas and pepper shower to scatter swarms.

The nonconformists are angry about what they see as an infringement by China on the wide going self-sufficiency Hong Kong was ensured under a "one nation, two frameworks" system which administers the former British province.

China rejects such objections.

Ivan, a 20-year-old college understudy, said he sat tight for 90 minutes to get his hot dinner. "I feel extremely helped that somebody is eager to prepare a dinner for us," he stated, including that Hong Kong still had a "merry" climate regardless of the fights and conflicts with police.

"I just got tear-gassed yesterday, so I believe it's extraordinary."

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