Tuesday, 4th March 2025

Dominica: PM Roosevelt Skerrit calls for full participation at 9th Summit of the Americas

Prime Minister of Dominica Dr Roosevelt Skerrit departed for Los Angeles, California, to participate in the Ninth Summit of the Americas.

Wednesday, 8th June 2022

Prime Minister of Dominica Dr Roosevelt Skerrit
Prime Minister of Dominica Dr Roosevelt Skerrit departed for Los Angeles, California, to participate in the Ninth Summit of the Americas. He stated that he is participating in the Summit as a proud recipient of the Jose Martí award, as a brother of the ALBA countries, as a member of the Global South as a friend of the Global North and as a leader and citizen of the Americas.  Prime Minister stated that the Ninth Summit of the Americas coincides with his 50th birthday and his 19th year as the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica and stated that every birthday is a time for reflection, celebration and for planning the future. 
"I am, as a result, emboldened to use this occasion for three broad political purposes,"
Speaking on his three political purposes, Prime Minister stated that firstly he invites leaders of every country in the region, without exception, to make full participation in the Summit. Secondly, he urged regional leaders that everyone must truly assess the role and value of this Summit in addressing serious challenges faced by the countries and peoples of the Americas. He stated that his first two “asks” are essential for this gathering to be a serious, transformational, decision-making one, which prioritises the common purpose of the development of the region, and the promotion of the dignity of citizens.  Furthermore, Prime Minister Skerrit stated that the Summit of the Americas substantially informs the mandate of the Organisation of American States. The OAS Charter promotes engagement and acknowledges the right of member countries to choose their mode of the organisation, as well as their “political, economic, and social system.” without intervention” or interference.  "This language embeds in the Charter and the organisation respect for sovereignty and strategic cooperation among the countries of the region. The work and Outcome of this Summit are as jeopardised and impoverished by exclusions as they are by boycotts. The boundaries of politics and geography are artificial because they are highly pervious to disease, to poverty, to the movement of people and goods," stated the Prime Minister.  He stated that true multilateralism shelters and includes everyone, gives a voice to all and shows respect to all. In that regard, given Cuba’s record and history of extraordinary humanitarianism, he invited the community of the OAS to join him in calling for an end to the blockade against the Government and People of Cuba and the termination of Cuba’s unjust listing as a State which sponsors terrorism.
"We in the Americas share a neighbourhood. The front yard of one country is the backyard of another. It is farcical to expect that a problem which starts in my backyard and ends up in your front yard, or vice versa, can possibly be resolved without common dialogue, buy-in, political will, cooperation, agreed action and joint implementation. As regional leaders, we must promote inclusion, justice, common purpose, peace, and prosperity in our front and back yards. We must do this through genuine, regional dialogue and cooperative action," Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit. 

He stated that the outcomes of dialogue could only be meaningful and implementable when decisions are made together, with all sitting at the same table and being heard, with all agreeing on the way forward, and with all being included. Dominican Prime Minister stated that engagement and dialogue are at the core of the democratic process.  "We cannot laud the merits of democracy and then refuse to listen to the voices of those with whom we do not agree," stated the PM. 
"Our experiments and experiences in governance, democracy, justice, and equity, continue to evolve in order to satisfy the legitimate needs and aspirations of our populations and to demonstrate the paramountcy of our peoples. Even with our imperfections, however, the intent and spirit of the Charter and of multilateralism demand that we talk together, share ideas, compare examples of best practice, and identify a way forward,".
He asked every country to listen to each other in order to create an understanding. Besides this, he stated that the Ninth Summit of the Americas is being convened at a difficult time regionally and globally. The World Bank classifies the Americas as the world’s second most disaster-prone region. He stated that climate change and environmental degradation are now major drivers of poverty, migration and refugeeism.  "Our countries battle against a global pandemic which threatens to overwhelm our health care systems and has resulted in social and economic reversals, as well as damaged our tourism products and revenues," he added.  "The issues which we will discuss exist in a bubbling regional cauldron of social, economic, and environmental challenges – constrained fiscal space; restricted development capital and spending; rising inflation; increasing unemployment; shrinking Official Development Assistance and Foreign Direct Investment; high levels of crime and gun violence; the widening digital divide and inequalities; growing insecurity and the increasing incidence and multiple costs of chronic non-communicable diseases," he stated.  Prime Minister stated that due to all the challenges, regional Heads are challenged to quell national fears, offer confidence in the face of uncertainty, create policy solutions, and build trust.  "We can do so only if we work collaboratively at the international and regional levels and with national populations to envision, discuss and construct just and equitable post-COVID societies, which are anchored on a green recovery, for our planet and people,". Furthermore, he stated that at this, the Ninth Summit of the Americas, the gift to the peoples of the Americas must be peace and prosperity for the shared common good.

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