Monday, 31st March 2025

"Delivering for the people," emphasises PM Harris at 6th Annual Convention 

The outfits that were provided by the PLP during the 2022 convention displayed the symbols of the party and created harmony among supporters.

Monday, 28th March 2022

PLP 6th Annual Convention 2022
Basseterre: Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris held a massive People's Labour Party (PLP) 6th Annual convention (2022) on Saturday, March 26, at the Patsy Allers Play Field, where a large number of followers gathered in orange attire to symbolize their support. The outfits that were provided by the PLP during the 2022 convention displayed the symbols of the party and created harmony among supporters. Admiring PM Harris, many supporters were indicating a third (3rd) term for his office for his achievements serving as Prime Minister of the country.  [caption id="attachment_41407" align="aligncenter" width="219"]Two females displays 3rd term for PM Timothy Harris at Convention 2022 Two females displays 3rd term for PM Timothy Harris at Convention 2022[/caption] Read Full Speech: My fellow citizens and residents, brothers and sisters, my comrades, family, on behalf of the supporters and members of the great political party, the People’s Labour Party (PLP), I extend a hearty welcome to you. In the name of the PLP and in the true endearing spirit of Team Unity, I proudly announce that the PLP welcomes all. We invite you to help us build a great country of which all of us can be proud. I want you to feel special and I am especially pleased to see you here. Give yourselves a round of applause.

We are a party that looks to the future, that embraces all, that focuses on what matters to you. We aren’t concerned with petty political games, nor parochial interests. We are concerned with the future of our country, the development of our country as the very best country in the World.

We in PLP were born in the era when our country wanted and needed Unity, that is what we were founded on. As Leader of this great party and our country, it is that unity that I wanted to bring to everything we do as a government. Since 2013 pollsters, journalists and some residents underestimated the power of Team Unity. We delivered an historic result, and we must continue to set aside political differences to deliver for the people of this country.

[caption id="attachment_41410" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Convention 2022 PLP Convention 2022 PLP[/caption]

Our Party Conference is taking place at a time of global uncertainty and fear. The tragic and bloody invasion of Ukraine by Russia has raised the specter of a third World War.

Small countries like St Kitts and Nevis have long come to appreciate that unless we unite with like minded countries and speak consistently with one voice, our concerns will be disregarded by the strong and the powerful.

All we have is us. In a real sense all we have are our ingenuity, our skills, our perseverance, resilience, and unity of purpose if we are to survive in an unfair and harsh World.

Unity is an imperative not a choice. Unity like charity will ring hollow unless it is practised at home. If charity does not exist at home we cannot demonstrate it outside. Because PLP, our most progressive and vibrant party believes in Unity, today I stand and reaffirm my commitment to unity. First to our people, second to our country and third to our government.

Unity has been the best political instrument for marshalling the talents, dreams and aspirations of our people. We must never let selfish personal ambitions so fully consume us that we intentionally or inadvertently divide our people and country thereby turning back the hand of time to a period and dispensation that our people have rejected.

History is replete with lessons. If we do not learn from it, we will make a mess of the present. Hon Eugene Hamilton likes to remind us of a powerful message delivered many years ago by Sir John Compton. Sir John spoke to the challenges of development. For him, the task of development was like filling a bathtub teaspoon by teaspoon. It’s a long and tedious job.

Sir John’ warning to us is that the scary path of development is that having filled the bathtub, some fool could come along and turn the bathtub over thus destroying the gains painstakingly made over the years.

Sir Lee L. Moore was a philosopher. He liked to remind us of the children of Sisyphus who having rolled the stone near the apex of the hill, allowed it to roll back down to the bottom, to be starting the task all over again.

[caption id="attachment_41411" align="aligncenter" width="369"]Prime Minister Harris at PLP 6th Annual Convention 2022 Prime Minister Harris at PLP 6th Annual Convention 2022[/caption]

The message I have for those who wish to destroy the unity of our people, is that our people will not go backwards to political tribalism and we the people of St Kitts and Nevis will ensure that our Unity is always preserved and defended.

I am prepared to work with all parties interested in Unity to ensure we take St Kitts and Nevis forward and make it our Garden of Eden – prosperous, peaceful, safe and secure.

A country where our sons and daughters stand free, realizing their dreams and aspirations and creating a wonderful country.

I will devote the next three years of my term to making St Kitts and Nevis the number one country not just in the OECS and CARICOM but in the World.

We have a track record. Over the last 7 years we have accomplished some amazing things. We recorded the best fiscal performance in the hemisphere. We entered the COVID-19 pandemic in the strongest financial position in the hemisphere. We brought the inherited debt of the last administration from a high debt to GDP ratio of about 80 percent to a low of 59 percent. We were the very first country in the OECS to achieve the international benchmark of a debt to GDP ratio below the 60 percent threshold. We did so some 12 years ahead of the 2030 deadline.

We paid off the entire IMF debt of $117 million as a testament that never again will we go back to the era of reckless spending.

We paid $200 million on the so-called land for debt swap which we inherited of nearly $1 billion. I staked my political career on this matter. We are now delivering on it. This has freed up lands for allocation to our people in Ottleys, Cayon, Lamberts and Sandy Point. Our patrimony is being restored to our people. We see evidence of it in the construction of the community centre in Ottleys, the housing projects in Ottleys and Cayon, the provision of lands to our farmers and the expansion of the Sandy Point Community Centre. A fundamental commitment to our people regarding land ownership is being fulfilled. We are delivering for the people.

Yes, we can be proud of our work. Leadership does matter. I am pleased to have led my Cabinet through this period of excellence during the first term. I was pleased to have shared the success of our economy with you and in 5 years my government paid a record double salary 4 times in a row. Last year for the 5th time we gave you a surprise Christmas gift with another double salary.

It was a source of joy to have done so many wonderful things for our people. Among the many deliverables, we:

Ø Removed VAT from food, educational supplies, funeral expenses.

Ø Paid $16 million to the former sugar workers, who were denied their severance. Yes, we delivered for you.

Ø Assisted over 3,000 persons with renovation and repairs to their homes. Yes, this too was about delivering for you in a way no other government has.

Ø Reorganized the STEP programme. Delivering its service better for you

Ø Introduced PAP of $500 per month so that the poor and needy can have at least a minimum standard of living. Yes, we are delivering for you.

Ø Introduced innovations like the Explorers Youth Club and PEACE programmes bringing not only a welcomed peace, security, and enhanced productivity to St Kitts and Nevis but also redirecting our misguided youths to an alternative pathway. I look forward to our at-risk youths harnessing opportunities through peace and entrepreneurship. A new season of hope, we are delivering for you.

Ø We have spent the last 2 years managing the worst pandemic in the last century. We did so well in containing and overcoming 4 waves of the virus. We all deserve a collective applause for our discipline, compliance with COVID-19 protocols, our vaccination roll-out etc.

Ø We delivered 3 stimulus packages providing $1,000.00 monthly to thousands of displaced workers. We have extended this program because we care about you.

Today St Kitts and Nevis is moving out of the shadow of COVID-19. Our economy is opened up. Restrictions have all disappeared except for a few. Personal responsibility is now the order of the day.

We have accomplished so much together. We should not let the forces of division slow the progress of delivery for the people.

That is why our theme chosen for this Convention is so poignant and appropriate “Delivering for the People”. That is what a Party in government must do. And this is what I am committed to doing.

I will remain laser focused on delivering to our people. I invite all colleagues to recommit to the task at hand. Any failure to do so will incur the wrath of the people. I will stand resolutely with the people in the cause of unity.

Where there are issues, they should be addressed maturely and respectfully.

The issues that have been raised are not beyond resolution. Under the Team Unity administration Nevis has received the best treatment in its history. I have gone where no other leader has, and Nevis is better for it.

Before my time there was no significant allocation to Nevis. For a short period of time Clause 110 which is the predominant legal basis for allocations was in effect. It was never allowed to work.

Under the former Administration, the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) cheques were bounced on payday. Under the Harris led Team Unity Administration, the NIA has received financial support of one form or another totalling approximately $400 million. Apart from direct budgetary payments to the NIA, the federal government finances the PAP, STEP, PEACE, Income Support Programme, overseas education, health care expenses, and a range of other programs in Nevis.

There is work to be done in addressing inequities in the relationship going back to colonial times since 1882 when the British Government joined the islands together. These inequities were not fully addressed in the 1983 Constitution.

Yes, we could not in 7 years using some magic wand correct all the wrongs done on either side. What is most important is that over the last 7 years the Harris led Administration has given the best level of support to the NIA in its history, and as a result the people are better off in Nevis and in St Kitts.

Premier Amory said it. Premier Brantley said it. Ministers Jeffers and Evelyn said it. They were all truthful. What we must do and what I have done is to ask for objective independent advice on how we can further travel the path of fairness and equity to the benefit of both the people of St Kitts and the people of Nevis.

I have offered an interim arrangement consistent with a request made to me by the Hon Premier. I await a response from the Premier.

Our Team Unity administration has always been a very transparent one. The records of the government are published, audited, and laid before the Parliament then distributed to the public. Good governance is what we have been delivering consistently to the people.

The Future The future of Unity is a matter for the people to determine. I have faith that Unity still lives in our hearts. It is good and pleasant for brethren to dwell in Unity (Psalms 133). The future calls for calm, mature, competent, honest leadership. I will continue to provide that to my country and people. I will remain focused on delivering to our people a better and stronger future.

In this regard, I will over the next 3 years seek to expand economic growth in our country by prioritizing:

  1. Cost of Living. My government is actively formulating policies to contain the spiraling cost of living as a result of matters outside our borders and beyond our control. The Ministry of Finance has been mandated to put forward recommendations for consideration. These will include measures to reduce gas prices at the pumps and reduce certain taxes to make the cost of living more manageable for you. We will extend the income support and we will consider an increase in wages and salaries. In the near future, more details will be announced. We continue to work for you the people and we will deliver for you.
  2. Housing. My government will continue to make affordable housing to our people. It is a critical part of our philosophy to create a property-owning society. The government cannot do it alone and so we are encouraging the private sector, our credit unions and other financial institutions to come more fully onboard and take advantage of the incentives offered by my government. I am committed to providing people with bigger and better homes.
  3. The build out of our alternative energy programme. This is critical not only to sustain our environmental health but also to ensure we can have a sustainable supply of affordable energy. Our Deputy Prime Minister will deliver this for us.
  4. The Blue Economy. The blue economy is a new frontier for the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. Traditionally, our nation is familiar with fisheries, tourism, and maritime transport activities. These have contributed significantly to the income and wealth of the country. However, the continued development of these areas and the other untapped areas of the blue economy is critical to our economic growth as we operate in an environment of global uncertainty.
We encourage our citizens and residents to seek training and create businesses linked to the blue economy. The Government will assist interested persons where feasible and generate the policies to attract investments in the ocean. Our blue economy will provide reliable and sustainable livelihoods for our people leading to the stronger and safer future that we all desire and deserve. 
  1. The Digital Economy. We will continue the build out of the digital economy of St. Kitts and Nevis, incentivizing Wi-Fi support in every home at the most affordable rate. We do this to allow our people to work from home. With internet connectivity being the most popular communication model worldwide, the government is aware of the advantages of our Cable Company with its huge fibre optic network. This properly utilized will bring benefits to us. Beyond that, we will target high-tech industries for St. Kitts and Nevis and build out a state-of-the-art data center here in St. Kitts and Nevis.


My PLP family, Team Unity supporters and well-wishers, fellow citizens and residents, there is no challenge that is beyond us. We are a resilient and determined people and we shall move onward on the pathway to the stronger and safer future. We shall do this together in Unity, in love, with compassion and respect for each other.  

Thank you, thank you Nevis. Thank you, St Kitts for believing in me and Unity. I will always be there for you. I will do the very best I can to take our country, our federation of St Kitts and Nevis forward to the stronger and safer future. We will do this together.

May God bless the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis. 

I Thank You.