Monday, 31st March 2025

Dickon Mitchell sworn in as Prime Minister of Grenada, promises to end nepotism

Dickon Mitchell was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Grenada on Friday, and he promised to break what he referred to as the "vicious cycle of nepotism".

Saturday, 25th June 2022

Dickon Mitchell sworn in as Prime Minister of Grenada, promises to end nepotism
Dickon Mitchell was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Grenada on Friday, and he promised to break what he referred to as the "vicious cycle of nepotism" and operate based on merit instead of favouritism.

He said to determine eligibility and merit will be the most important factor in government services.

"We need to manage our country on the basis of merit, hard effort, and the will and readiness to overcome and find solutions to the difficulties that face us, whether it be the police, teachers, nurses, doctors, or the cooks at our schools," said Mitchell.

Mitchell stated that if party loyalty or personal loyalty were the only criteria for job selection, promotion, or the awarding of contracts, then Grenada and its dependencies would not advance as a nation or prosper as a people. Likewise, the dependencies would not prosper.

"If we keep taking this attitude, not only will we be doing a major disservice to future generations of Grenadians, but we will also be doing a disservice to ourselves."

"Under my leadership, I intend to break that vicious cycle of nepotism, and I am therefore using this opportunity to call on all Grenadians who have, prior to this, shied away from public service, who shied away from serving on boards of statutory bodies or government entities, the doors are open, and you are welcome," Mitchell said.

"I am using this opportunity to call on all Grenadians who have, prior to this, shied away from public service, who shied away from serving. We, the people of Grenada, need you if you have the belief that serving your country is something you should do, if you are a hard worker, and if you have the abilities and talent to do so. Regardless of the organisation or entity in question, we require brand new people who are creative thinkers who are motivated by the shared objective of making our nation a better place.

In his speech, Mitchell urged all people living in Grenada to work together on a unified front to further the development of Grenada, Petite Martinique, and Carriacou.