Friday, 7th March 2025

Gurjit Bhandal and Gurmit Singh says ready to help police in Mehul Choksi probe

Gurjit Bhandal denied any involvement in Mehul Choksi's sudden disappearance from Antigua and Barbuda and stated that no official figures approached them in connection to it.

Wednesday, 9th June 2021

Gurjit Bhandal denied any involvement in Mehul Choksi 's sudden disappearance from Antigua and Barbuda and stated that no official figures approached them.
Roseau, Dominica: After Indian fugitive Mehul Choksi got arrested for unlawful entry into Dominica, his lawyers proclaimed the narratives of his abduction and alleged that Gurjit Bhandal and Gurmit Singh kidnapped him.  Gurjit Bhandal did a telephonic interview with Writeups 24, where he told various things that flogged the claims of Choksi's lawyers.  He denied any involvement in Mehul Choksi's sudden disappearance from Antigua and Barbuda and stated that no official figures approached them in connection to it. Bhandal stated that they are ready to cooperate if any police official approaches regarding the ongoing probe. He also said they do not know who Mehul Choksi is and never heard his name until people started sending them news articles claiming they (Bhandal and Singh) kidnapped him. Bhandal stated that he is into property sale and purchase business and is fond of sailing across different regions globally. He said his friend Gurmit Singh is retired and also enjoys sailing.  Gurjit Bhandal told Writeups 24 that May is not the first time they hired a yacht and sailed between different Caribbean islands. He said they had a similar trip in April 2021 and liked it so much that they chose to come back. He also said that they had been sailing in the Mediterranean sea most of their life but thought of changing the waters and visited the Caribbean for a more exotic experience.  Who is Barbara Jarabica?  Gurjit Bhandal stated they do not know any person by the name of Barbara Jarabica and never heard the name before. He also stated they never met or travelled with her.  On asked if they ever travelled with Barbara Jarabica on May 28 from Dominica to St Lucia, Gurjit Singh Bhandal stated that they did not travel to St Lucia; instead, they went to Barbados on the same day.  He said due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are only two flights to the region, while earlier, there used to be around 21. He said the lesser number of flights mean that you  might travel around with the same people on the plane, but that does not make you known to them.  Bhandal also stated that just like Uber pool in the United Kingdom, people often pool a charter plane in the Caribbean region, and it is a very common practice. The trip in May 2021 On asked to share more details of their Caribbean trip in May 2021, Bhandal stated that they had planned to go to Dominica from Antigua and then St Lucia; however, they had to end their journey in Dominica due to Bhandal feeling extreme sea-sickness. He stated from Dominica; they took a charter flight to Barbados. He stated they had booked the Calliope of Arne Yacht online and planned to sail on May 19; however, they later boarded on the morning of May 20 and stayed on the boat throughout their sail. Bhandal said they left from Antigua on Sunday, May 23, at around 10 am and started to sail towards Dominica, where they reached on the same day at midnight. He said as it was too late on May 23, so they cleared the Dominican customs on the following day. The trip in April 2021  He said the yacht they used back in April was already booked, so they used the Calliope of Arne yacht by booking it online. Speaking in more details of their first sailing in the Caribbean, Bhandal stated in April, they sailed through Antigua, Dominica and St Lucia and stayed in Antigua for 4 to 5 day, for one day in Dominica and around four days in St Lucia. Bhandal asserted that in April 2021, they used a Charter plane from St Lucia to move back to Antigua after sailing.  "From St Lucia, we got a charter plane to travel back to Antigua. Usually, people pool charter in the Caribbean to move within islands. We had a really good time and decided to go again to the Caribbean."