"Unwell Jagdeo is a stranger to the truth," says Guyana MP Joseph Harmon
Tuesday, 10th August 2021

Full Statement of MP Joseph Harmon:
"I have taken note of a tiresome and laborious interview done by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on 8th August, 2021.
First of all, I took note of the fact that there is a marked change in the demeanour and temperament of Jagdeo. He looked pale and fatigued. He sweated profusely, slurred his words consistently, spoke in an interrupted and halting manner and at various points during the interview he seemed to be gasping for breath. Jagdeo appears to be seriously unwell, he coughed, choked on his words and on more than one occasion, was unable to pronounce basic words, complete his sentences and properly verbalize his thoughts. Jagdeo’s obvious ‘unwellness’ seems to have noticeably affected his mental acuity. The interview was wholly delusional, laced with lies and falsehoods and seemed to be the stuttering rantings of a man who is existing in a cocoon that has no connection to reality.https://www.facebook.com/HarmonForChairman/posts/912680722711272
After futile attempts by President Irfaan Ali and Prime Minister Mark Phillips to defend the record of the PPP regime’s last 12 months in office, Jadgeo decided that he had to emerge from his “engine room” to see if he could salvage a very bad situation.
Instead of his usual $350,000 a month side kick Guyanese Critic, he chose Neil Marks from PPP Freedom House annex News Room to help him to spin his tale of fantasy.
Sadly his lame attempts at obfuscation, whitewashing, revisionist history and outright falsifications worsened the situation for the PPP.
The people have been suffering economic and social hardships over the past 12 months after they were beginning to live the good life under the APNU+AFC Coalition.
While some persons may dismiss Jagdeo’s stultifying tirade as him getting “high on his own supply”, even a cursory observer would intuitively know that there is more than meets the eye.The facts are that:
(i) the APNU+AFC Coalition Government inherited an economy in 2015 that was in steady decline.
(ii) the economy, as described by former Minister of Finance Winston Jordan was running on fumes.
(iii) over 50% of Guyana’s economy under the PPP was based on illegality including the drug trade.
(iv) under the PPP Guyana was widely described and branded internationally as a narco-state and a major transhipment port for the global cocaine trade.
(v) there was not a single adverse economic report from any credible international agency about the Coalition’s management of the economy from 2015 to 2020.
(vi) the failed Amaila Falls project which Jagdeo continues to romanticize is nothing more than a high class Ponzi Scheme as classified by former Minister of Public Infrastructure Mr. David Patterson.
(vii) in over 90 minutes of his delusional ramblings Jagdeo was unable to identify a single project that the PPP has been able to deliver to the people of Guyana after a year of being installed in government.
(viii) Jagdeo failed miserably to defend the PPP’s vulgar and exposed tampering of the March 2020 elections and, in his state of cerebral slowdown, even slipped and hinted at the PPP having pre-prepared results before election day.
(ix) after a year in office Jagdeo and the PPP, despite much bravado, trumped up charges and propaganda has been unable to prove any fraud or corruption by the Coalition government.
Meanwhile, Jagdeo conveniently neglected to highlight or even acknowledge that:
(i) it was the PPP regime which imposed 16% VAT on the people of Guyana.
(ii) it was the APNU+AFC Coalition that reduced VAT to 14% and eased the burden on the people.(iii) the PPP has refused to give public servants salary increases for two years running.
(iv) the PPP terminated over 2000 Afro Guyanese public servants.
(v) the PPP has completely politicized the Guyana Police Force to persecute political opponents and a long list of egregious failures and oppressive measures with which the public is well familiar.
At the end of it all, Jagdeo did not appear to be satisfied with his 90 minutes of drifting and delusional tale-telling so he wrapped up, in a laughable flourish, with a Trumpian fabrication that former ministers’ phones were tapped by then President David Granger.
If this tale is to be believed the questions that Jagdeo needs to answer is why after over a year in possession of this information, he now choses to make it public, an issue which he admits the details of which will be available 20 years later-what utter nonsense.
The reality is that the PPP regime has started to tap our telephones and under sums of money approved for the Deep state Regional Joint Support Team might have purchased software from a Middle Eastern Country to seriously interfere with our communication.
Digital interference and digital suppression.
Jagdeo is now trying to distract the nation’s attention from this dangerous foray into violations of Guyanese constitutional and other rights.
It is the dictator showing his hands. Jagdeo is a stranger to the truth."
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