Friday, 14th March 2025

"UNC is bigger than any single person," says political leader Kamla

Tuesday, 10th August 2021

Trinidad and Tobago: “I believe that one of the greatest achievements that we have made in this party is to ensure that the UNC is an institution. And what I mean by that is that the UNC is bigger than any single person," said the political leader of United National Congress (UNC), Kamla Persad Bissessar during the presentation of the virtual report.

"It will outlast any one of us. And thank God for that," she added. The UNC is one of the few political institutions in this country that has lasted over decades. This is the result of trust being built over decades, and knowing what an organization can deliver.

She further added that it is also a result of "all of us working together for a common goal, for our struggles that we endured together, for the difficult challenges that we have had to face together, for the challenging times we have had to pick ourselves up and retool together, for the hard victories we have won together, and the great achievements we have made together."

"Our party has had some great people, some brilliant minds, some charismatic orators, people who could speak so brilliantly and fearlessly, committed champions and warriors of the people," Kamla boasted.

She futher expressed gratitude by stating, "I salute them all for what they have brought to our great party, and for taking us to where we are today. But as we move forward, we have to adapt and increase the number of platforms we use to get our message out."

"We may face disappointments at times, but we know that this is the best party in Trinidad and Tobago. We know that this is the only party that has ever given good governance to Trinidad and Tobago. We know that this is the only party that can, and will defeat the PNM," Kamla asserted.

"For our party to continue to be this great institution, our members must value it in that way. There is a place for all of us. Even when we are disappointed, there still is a place."

"The country is watching us. They are looking at us to see where our true interest lies. Is it with ourselves, with our own personal dreams and ambitions? Or is it rather to help them? To help citizens fulfill their dreams and ambitions.”

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