Sunday, 2nd March 2025

Tourism industry workers in Jamaica to get affordable homes next month

By the beginning of next month, workers in the tourism industry in Montego Bay, St James Jamaica will be ready to start applying for home ownership in a new development.

Saturday, 26th December 2020

New Development in Rhyne Park area of St James

Montego Bay, Jamaica: Tourism workers are suspected to, as of early next year, have the possibility to apply for ownership of the 754 house units which are being built in Rhyne Park, St James under the Ministry of Tourism's $1 billion Resort Squatter Settlements Upgrade Programme.

Tourism Minister, Edmund Bartlett, has stated that 50 of the units have already been completed.

"The administration is currently beginning the construction of 754 affordable housing units in Rhyne Park, St James for tourism workers. More than 50 of the units have been created, and negotiations will commence in January 2021," said Bartlett.

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He was speaking to workers from the Sangster and Norman Manley international airport during their annual gratitude breakfast recently.

The event, which was designed by the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB), was held practically as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

By the beginning of next month, workers in the tourism industry in Montego Bay, St James Jamaica will be ready to start applying for home ownership in a new development currently underway in the Rhyne Park area of St James.

This has been made attainable through the $1-billion Resort Squatter Settlements Upgrade plan, which is being offered by the Ministry of Tourism.

Edmund Bartlett, minister of tourism, made the revelation while addressing workers at Sangster and Norman Manley foreign airports during their annual recognition breakfast recently.

This year the event was conducting virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and was designed by the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB).

“As the industry grows, it has been a priority of mine to secure that tourism workers benefit fully from the value chain. It is engulfed in my three-pronged Worker Welfare Programme, which includes a pension scheme, installation, and training,” Bartlett told the workers.

He said that with the installation conditions of tourism workers being of concern to him, his ministry has started on the Resort Squatter Settlements Upgrade Programme under which 535 households are to be regularised in the Grange Pen identity of St James through land titling and infrastructure upgrades.

“Additionally, the Government is currently offering the construction of 754 affordable dwelling units in Rhyne Park, St James, for tourism workers.

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