Tuesday, 4th March 2025

Ministry of Health and Social Services cautions against rising chicken pox cases

The Ministry of Health and Social Services have warned the public in Montserrat about the spike in chicken pox cases on the island. They have indicated towards a quick increase in the number of cases.

Thursday, 4th April 2024

Notable spike is seen in chicken pox cases in Montserrat. (image credit NHS inform)

The Ministry of Health and Social Services has warned the public in Montserrat about the spike in chicken pox cases on the island. They have indicated towards a quick increase in the number of cases. However, the actual number of cases has not been revealed by the ministry.

The Ministry expressed their concern stating that there was a notable rise in the confirmed chicken pox cases over the past seven days.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services has cautioned people about the disease hence raising awareness for the same. They informed that the disease is caused by Varicella-Zoster virus. Adding to the information they described about the manifestation of the disease in the population.

Chicken Pox is usually mild in the typically healthy individuals but might cause more severe implications in infants, pregnant women, the older aged individuals and the people with already weakened immune systems, outlined the Ministry. Hence special care is advised to people falling in these groups.

A typical pox fever takes about seven to fourteen days to cure but in few cases the infection can get severe hence extending the healing period. Other than fever, other conditions like bacterial infections concerning the skin, rashes can develop on the skin which later change into itchy blisters then scabs. Other than these dehydration and blood infections can also occur.

The ministry has cautioned people on the island to practice the cautionary circulated by the ministry and stay away from people who have symptoms of a flu and are facing fatigue, or have rashes covering the skin.

Any person facing such flu like symptoms is advised to stay away from other as the disease is highly contagious in nature. According to a report by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the virus has potential of infecting 90% of uninfected and unvaccinated persons in the vicinity of the infected one. Keeping in mind the notable spike in the number of cases in the island and its potential to spread infection, the islanders will have to cooperate with the ministry to ensure a decline in the cases and maintaining overall health index on the island.