Thursday, 19th September 2024

‘Drone incident’ near Nevis Deputy Premier’s house

Police urge operators to be responsible

Wednesday, 6th December 2017

(file photo)

Police in Nevis have investigated a report made by the wife of the island’s deputy premier that a drone was covering near their home.

Sharon Brantley, whose husband Mark is also foreign affairs minister in the St Kitts and Nevis National Assembly, spoke to police after she spotted an unmanned drone while at the property in Montpelier.

Officers began to look into the matter and Matthew MacMillan, a US citizen, was held for questioning.

He was later released.

“The police will continue to take seriously all reports of harassment and threats of harassment made by citizens and residents of Nevis,” a statement from the Royal St Christopher and Nevis Police Force.

“The police are therefore asking the public, and especially operators of drones, to act responsibly so that the safety and security of all citizens and residents is maintained.”

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