Monday, 17th February 2025

CHASE Funds' donation proved as a game-changer for IOJ: Patrick-Shaw

The Deputy Director of the Institute of Jamaica -IOJ - Nicole Patrick-Shaw, has appreciated and called the donation of $27.5 million provided by the CHASE Fund as a game-changer for the institution's development.

Wednesday, 28th July 2021

Jamaica: The Deputy Director of the Institute of Jamaica -IOJ - Nicole Patrick-Shaw, has appreciated and called the donation of $27.5 million provided by the CHASE Fund as a game-changer for the institution's development. "CHASE donation was a game-changer for us because it empowered us to create more aesthetically pleasing content that would be attractive and pleasing to the people," Patrick-Shaw stated. While talking to the further informed the local media house, Nicole told that the fund of the amount had been utilised for numerous projects of the organisation, such as - roof repairs to exhibition galleries, including the National Gallery of Jamaica, digitisation of the photography collection of the David Boxer estate, video production equipment and support for virtual tours. It also included fireproofing of filing cabinets, new musical instruments and equipment for the Junior Centre, termite treatment for facilities, restoration of the Waterwheel at the People's Museum in Spanish Town, National Museum exhibitions, for upgrading computers, UPS's and software and also assistance for the National Gallery of Jamaica's Website. The Deputy Director, following the statement, cited that "IOJ was adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, because of which made the institution to close its exhibitions for the people and an infinite suspension of other activities that we typically organise."

She added that IOJ, after the donation, is now able to create content to a greater extent than it uses to do before. IOJ now do not have to rent the equipment as now it has sufficient and necessary software because of the donation by CHASE.

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the IOJ for reinventing its business model.

Patrick-Shaw further appreciated and praised the CHASE Fund for its assistance so as to protect the culture of Jamaica & to promote the modernisation of the institution's work.

The Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education (CHASE) Fund organisation has donated an amount of $27.5 million to the Institute of Jamaica in order to sustain the organisation's work in the month of January this year.