Saturday, 8th February 2025

BDF conducts Mass causality simulation exercise in Barbados; appeals cooperation

The Barbados Defence Force has announced Mass Causality Simulation exercises across four locations in the country. The exercises will help in enhancing preparedness of the public as well as the concerned emergency services during the times of mishaps.

Wednesday, 3rd April 2024

Mass Casualty Simulation exercise held in different locations in Barbados by BDF( Image credit BDF FB page)
The Barbados Defence Force has announced Mass causality simulation exercise across four locations in the country. The public is advised to remain calm and supportive during the simulation being held on 2nd of April 2024 to 3rd of April 2024. The event is announced to be held between 3 pm to 12:30 pm of the next day.

Mass causality simulation exercise is something which stimulates or rather mimics an emergency situation to which an emergency response is made. The purpose of such exercises is to prepare for any such event and plan the responses for any such hazards, as defined by the World Health Organization(WHO).

This kind of exercise will help to prevent any confusion in the plan of action in case of sudden mishaps. Barbados Defence Force (BDF) and all the emergency services like fire and rescue will participate in the exercise. [caption id="attachment_70019" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Emergency services participating in the exercise. (Image Credit BDF FB page) Emergency services participating in the exercise. (Image Credit BDF FB page)[/caption] The exercise will most likely be conducted in the areas of St. Peter, St Andrew, and St Joseph. To name the localities Heywoods Beach in St Peter, Conrad Hunte Sports Club and Ermy Bourne Highway in St Andrew, and Saddle Back in St Joseph will be the four locations where the exercise is going to be conducted.

A similar exercise was carried out around the Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA), around October last year in Oistins Bay. The airport demanded the exercise to be organized. The airport authorities informed the public regarding the incident, stating that it was just a drill and no real emergency had occurred.

GAIA, customs, department of emergency management, ambulance services, fire and rescue services, defence services, the National Conservation Commission; lifeguards and rangers were included in the operation.

The operation revealed the flaws in the already existing system of casualty handling and shed light on the areas needing improvement. This resulted in enhancing the preparedness of the airport staff as well as the concerned emergency officials of the state.

A similar outcome is expected from the drill held in the different locations this year as well.