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Is St Kitts and Nevis prepared for Coronavirus? asks Dr Douglas

Leader of St Kitts and Nevis Party Dr Denzil Douglas addressed the inhabitants on 'Ask the Leader' - a weekly programme on KYSS FM 102.5fm

Wednesday, 26th February 2020

Denzil Douglas.

Leader of St Kitts and Nevis Party Dr Denzil Douglas addressed the inhabitants on 'Ask the Leader' - a weekly programme on KYSS FM 102.5fm and discussed the health sector of the twin-isle nation. Next-Gen SKN candidate, Dr Terrance Drew also accompanied Dr Douglas for the broadcast.

Former Prime Minister and a medical doctor by profession, Dr Douglas raised concerns over the current status of health-sector in St Kitts and Nevis and blamed health ministers for their incompetence and negligence towards the sector.

Leader referred to the current health-care system of SKN to be in the critically sick situation itself and pointed out the low efforts of the 'Team Unity' government.

"In medical language, the health-care system of St Kitts and Nevis is on life support, and it is in intensive care, this situation is seriously affecting our people and their needs," added Dr Douglas.

Dr Douglas stated that the 'Team Unity' has failed together in maintaining the primary medical care in St Kitts and Nevis because their health ministers have minimal knowledge about the sector.

Leader of opposition also claimed that medical personnel in the entire nation is suffering from ill-treatment by the government. "Nurses and other workers in and out of JNF have been disrespected; their pays are reduced. We have a set of nurses who have graduated from training in Cuba and are facing problems," added Dr Douglas.

The former PM claimed that under the current government, doctors are denied employment even though there is a massive requirement.

Furthermore, Dr Douglas expressed his concerns over the epidemic of Coronavirus and questioned if St Kitts and Nevis is prepared for the medical emergencies.

"St Kitts and Nevis is tourist country, hundreds of people from all around the world visit here daily, but is this poor structure of SKN is capable of handling the epidemic of Coronavirus which has killed hundreds and thousands of people."

Besides this, Next-Gen SKN candidate, Dr Terrance Drew discussed his recent visit to Germany. Dr Drew stated that medical facilities must not be treated as a privilege, but it shall be a right that everyone can have.

"I met with some of the top officials in Cardiology. Cardiovascular Surgery, Radiology; I even had an opportunity to enter the operation room, what came out of that is that the people are willing to help us and collaborate with us," added Dr Drew.

Dr Drew also stated that under the Next-Gen SKNLP health-sector will always remain priority and efforts will be taken regularly to improvise.

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Wednesday, 26th February 2020
