Tuesday, 4th March 2025

Coronavirus Outbreak: PM Harris seen promoting 'no handshakes' culture

Dr Timothy Harris promoted the culture of "no handshakes" due to the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak

Thursday, 19th March 2020

Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr Timothy Harris promoted the culture of "no handshakes" following the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak. The leader shared a picture on his social media with the Governor-General Samuel Weymouth Tapley Seaton greeting him with an 'elbow bump'.

The virus disease which has killed 8,978 people worldwide and left hundreds of thousand infected globally spreads from closer contact with an infected individual. World Health Organisation has issued guidelines that require to be followed strictly as precautionary measures.

In recent days, rumours of related to the virus are being spread on social media which is creating a panic in the twin-isle nation. Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris has affirmed that so far nobody is tested positive for the disease in the country.

Prime Minister Dr Harris posted on his official handle, "New greetings. No handshake. Myself and the Governor-General doing it right in the era of the #CoronaVirusChallenge #StKittsNevis has no confirmed cases to date. #TeamUnity is working hard to keep it at bay as long as possible."

The leader also asked the people to be vigilant and follow the guidelines of the Health Ministry. Besides this, Prime Minister stated a strict action would be taken against those who are spreading rumours regarding the disease and no individual has been confirmed of the illness in St Kitts and Nevis so far.

While an address at Newton Ground Primary School, Prime Minister assured that government is taking mandatory steps to keep the nation free of the virus.

The leader is using his social media account to convey any meaningful information related to COVID-19. Dr Harris also stated that people of St Kitts and Nevis has the will and courage to work together, and there is no challenge that the people of the twin-isle nation cannot overcome.