Sunday, 23rd February 2025

LoP Kamla Persad opposes new "vaccine mandate" proposed by PM Rowley

Leader of Opposition Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad Bissessar blatantly opposed the vaccine mandate policy proposed by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley. 

Thursday, 13th January 2022

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Leader of Opposition Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad Bissessar blatantly opposed the vaccine mandate policy proposed by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.  She called the vaccine mandate policy for public servants a rule made in a "typical authoritarian manner". She said the ruling by the Prime Minister is just like a ransom demand, "You are holding citizens to ransom by saying you will not be paid unless you show your vaccine paper." The United National Congress leader stated that other countries are moving away from lockdown policies which place livelihoods in danger and jeopardy, which in fact has collapsed our economy. "As usual, ignoring the problem and the unintended consequences of this very bad policy doesn't encourage people to get vaccinated. A vaccine mandate is likely to embolden two groups - the anti-vaxxers and the fraudsters," added Kamla.  She stated that the government of Trinidad and Tobago is moving into the areas of breaches of constitutional rights. "The policy that you are going to put in effect is one of discrimination - only people with vaccine cards could work and collect pay, who don’t - no pay for them," added Kamla Persad on Thursday.  Furthermore, she stated Vaccine mandate could end up making more people vaccine-hesitant. And so desperate to keep their jobs, some may turn like the cobra breeders going for fake cards. Like Delhi’s cobra plan, I say Rowley’s poorly thought out vaccine mandate could end up causing more problems and creating worse situations. She suggested that the government must foster trust, transparency and must have the ability to communicate instead of talking down to people and ‘buffing’ up people. "The government prefers the problems to come back and bite them before they learn. So, I shared that story with you (Story about the Cobra Effect). I want to again say; I encourage people to consult their doctor and go for the vaccine and or the boosters thereafter. NO to the mandatory vaccine," added Kamla. 

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Thursday, 13th January 2022
