Tuesday, 18th February 2025

Dominica: Vince Henderson delivers food hampers in Grand Bay constituency

Vince Henderson- Parliament Representative from Grand Bay constituency, delivered hampers under the "Yes We Care Programme".

Saturday, 16th April 2022

Dominica: Vince Henderson delivers food hampers in Grand Bay constituency
Roseau, Dominica: Vince Henderson- Parliament Representative from Grand Bay constituency, delivered hampers under the "Yes We Care Programme". The hampers contained necessary items for the elderly, also including food and cleaning supplies.

Henderson, who is also the Minister for Planning, Economic Development, Climate Resilience, Sustainable Development, and Renewable Energy, stated that he enjoyed his time delivering the hampers around the constituency.

Vince Henderson stated that as part of the initiative, he had a chance to interact with the elderly of his constituency and got to know them even better.

"I spent most of my day delivering food hampers and cleaning supplies to the elderly under the Yes We Care in the Grand Bay constituency," said Henderson.

He also expressed gratitude to Justina Riviere, former MP for the Grand Bay constituency, for her kind contribution to supplies.

Besides this, he thanked Magdalene Jno Baptiste- Supervisor of the NEP Caregivers, Sylviane Bellot-Supervisor of the Yes We Care, Hildreth Morancie and other volunteers. Not only that, but Henderson also thanked his driver Donavan Fabien.

Introduced by the government of Dominica in 2009, the Yes We Care Programme to ensure that senior citizens and the underprivileged do not slip through the gaps. The volunteers help such individuals with meals and also assist in cleaning their personal spaces.

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