Wednesday, 5th March 2025

"Trinidad & Tobago citizens are caught in a legislative loophole," MP Anita Haynes

"We, the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, have been caught in a legislative loophole while the government continues to neglect the need for targeted policy interventions,"

Friday, 19th February 2021

Trinidad & Tobago: "We, the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, have been caught in a legislative loophole while the government continues to neglect the need for targeted policy interventions," said MP for Tabaquite, Anita Haynes in her statement.  Further, she said that multiple pieces of legislation put before us as a solution to crime mostly come into play after a crime has been committed and, fully recognizing that laws are indeed an essential element of the fight against crime, "the UNC will continue to advocate for and support good law." "However, legislation is not the total solution. We must implement policies that address issues at the root and along the way before they develop into full-blown crimes," MP Haynes added. During TV6's "Facing The Issue" segment this week, she shared three critical approaches through which the government can actively carry out its role to protect citizens' essential issues of the public domain. 1. Education Make regular interventions in the education system to introduce conflict resolution and gender studies at a younger age and throughout the school years. 2. Resource allocation Properly resource the TTPS and the justice system so what we can move from intelligence to evidence and ultimately more convictions. 3. Reliable public services such as transportation Facilitate reliable and efficient public transit so that commuters can travel safely, thus eliminating a significant risk faced in many communities (e.g. there is no PTSC bus service to Piparo because the roads are in a terrible condition, commuters are forced to take a risk every time they travel with "PH" drivers) "The UNC - United National Congress remains in the business of constructive criticism and presenting solutions. We must no longer accept political grandstanding - let us all do our part to hold the government to a higher standard of accountability and performance." she concluded.