Monday, 31st March 2025

"PNM’s Covid lies unravelling," says opposition leader Kamla

The latest news that the Covax mechanism will fail to deliver Covid 19 vaccines to Trinidad and Tobago by the end of March 2021 as promised by the Government is incredibly disturbing, accused Leader of Opposition, Kamla Persad Bissessar in a statement released after government announced to procure the vaccine from India and China.

Thursday, 25th March 2021

Trinidad and Tobago: The latest news that the Covax mechanism will fail to deliver Covid 19 vaccines to Trinidad and Tobago by the end of March 2021 as promised by the Government is incredibly disturbing, accused Leader of Opposition, Kamla Persad Bissessar in a statement released after the government announced to procure the vaccine from India and China.

Read More: PM Rowley displays confidence in joint venture between HP and EOG Resources

"We are now hearing that India and China are both donating doses of vaccines to our country. This is great news. However, we are yet to learn of a definite timetable of the arrival of these vaccines," she added.

Former PM of TT said, "while I to express my deepest gratitude to both India and China's governments for their generosity, it is now abundantly clear to the nation that the Rowley regime’s failure to prepare a proper national vaccination plan has placed our nation in grave jeopardy."

Read More: Trinidad and Tobago has lowest level of vaccination in Caribbean: UNC

PM Rowley administration was last to enter talks with vaccine manufacturers and they were last to write to the government of India.

"Now our nation is last in the regional ranking of vaccinations.

While our CARICOM neighbours continue their vaccination rollouts, we in T&T are left in limbo as to when we will be able to begin receiving vaccines for our citizens. This is an entirely unforgivable situation that places citizens in further peril."

Read More: Trinidad & Tobago foreign ministry releases joint statement with Indian High Commission

The PNM is accusing everyone but themselves for the crisis of their own making. The only thing the population is being injected with is "PNM lies."

After the Minister of Health refuted claims by businesses that they were approached by him to help purchase vaccines, the Minister is now saying the government is “partnering” with two local business groups to purchase vaccines. He still cannot say when or indeed if this will bear fruit.

Read More: Indian High Commissioner clears air on vaccine brawl between government & opposition

The longer PNM manufactured crisis continues, the longer T&T will have to remain closed off to the rest of the world, further stifling and suffering our already battered economy.

"One can almost be forgiven for thinking that this entire uncertain situation is exactly what Rowley and the PNM wanted, as they have now primed the environment to enrich their friends, families and financiers using the lifesaving vaccines as their pawn," Kamla accused in her statement.

Read More: PM Rowley confessed he made a mess of COVID19 vaccine acquisition, says Kamla

"PM Keith Rowley and the PNM should be warned that after the past six years, Trinidad and Tobago's people have developed an immunity to their propaganda. This latest PNM crisis is the last nail in the coffin of this government. Like their lies this PNM government is unravelling fast."

In conclusion, Kamla Persad Bissessar asked a question to the government, "When exactly can our citizens expect to be vaccinated?"