Thursday, 13th March 2025

PNM held a wedding party with more than 250 guests: UNC

As the elections are approaching, the opposition party of Trinidad and Tobago is leaving no chance to take a dig at the current PM Keith Rowley government.

Saturday, 17th April 2021

Kamla Persad Bissessar leader of UNC
As the elections are approaching, the opposition party of Trinidad and Tobago is leaving no chance to take a dig at the current PM Keith Rowley government.

Every day, new statements are coming from the United National Congress and opposition leader Kamla Persad Bissessaar.

Now, UNC has compared the situation of Trinidad and Tobago with the United Kingdom and stated even the Queen of England follows the rules as only 30 people would be allowed to attend the funeral of Prince Philip.

The opposition leader stated that the guest list had been shortened from 800 to 30 due to the coronavirus restrictions in the UK.

UNC stated that the People National Movement government had held a wedding party consisting of more than 250 guests. It alleged that the party took place at the weekend, while the media presented no reports on the issue.

The opposition stated that the government and people associated with the governing party believes they are less accountable to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

United National Congress questioned how the country moved from a Parliamentary democracy to the Secret Kingdom of King Rowley I and his friends?

United National Congress recently walked out twice from the parliament; however, the opposition stated they had been foolishly blamed for not doing people's business, while the speaker has not done her job. UNC had written a letter to the speaker of parliament, showing their concerns on house members as the PM had attended a session before testing positive for COVID-19.

It added that the speaker had done contempt of the highest order by not feeling the need of replying to the parliamentary opposition.

Not only that, in a recent press release, the United National Congress have stated that they have been raising concerns on the safety of house members and staff, yet there has been no acknowledgement.