Monday, 10th February 2025

Night of Stardom Tent to return to Mas Domnik 2024

The Stardom Calypso Tent is ready to host the grand opening Night of Stardom Tent 2024 on January 10 at the PetitMiami, Roseau

Thursday, 4th January 2024

Dominica's Stardom Claypso Tent 2024

PC: Facebook
The Stardom Calypso Tent is ready to host the grand opening Night of Stardom Tent 2024 on January 10 at the PetitMiami (Anchorage Hotel), Roseau, Dominica.  The event will showcase several live performances by young Calypsonians across the nation and encourage the promotion of 2024 new Calypso songs. It will be open for the general public appearance from 8:30 PM with the entry tickets priced at $30 Per person.  The event is a part of Mas Domnik Festival 2024- a national carnival of Dominica, which will commence  from January 6 to February 14, 2023.  The official poster of the Grand Stardom Calypso Tent was launched online on Wednesday via all significant social media handles. The Event Registrations have been opened, and the Interested candidates can book their spots now. Notably, this event will provide a platform for all the young artists to showcase their talent and immerse themselves in the world of Calypso. The visitors will be able to explore the authenticity of the Caribbean cultures and enjoy the massive celebration of fun, music and food. Reportedly, the MAS-AH Stardom Quarter Finalists Soiree of the stardom night will be held on January 18, 2024. Under the patronage of Lady Star and Milliah Joseph, the event will  feature the top finalists of the Stardom Calypso Tent. The entry prices for the quarter-finals are $25 per person. The event will be hosted in partnership with several organisations, including, The House of Wines, Heineken, Do It Centre, Fresh Market, Coca-Cola, Bigedge, Promex, Fresh Market, Hardline, Mission Week, Redi Mix and others.

Mas Domnik 2024

The Mas Domnik Carnival will showcase the cultures and traditions of Dominica, featuring  about 50 festivals. The festival will be held under the Real Mas theme, aiming to keep the traditional roots of its rich and diversified heritage alive. The complete schedule of the Event is already out, and the bookings are running full frequently. While considering the background, the festival is based on regional cooperation and network capabilities in culture, tourism and entertainment.