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Dominica govt expands health facilities as country confirms 4 COVID-19 related deaths

Ministry of Health Wellness and New Health Investment has confirmed 3 new COVID-19 related deaths in Dominica, bringing the total death count to 4

Saturday, 28th August 2021

Dominica: Ministry of Health Wellness and New Health Investment has confirmed 3 new COVID-19 related deaths in Dominica, bringing the total death count to 4, said Dr David Johnson, Chief Medical Officer on Friday.  In Dominica, the second COVID-19 death case was a 70-year-old male with the underlining condition who was admitted to COVID Isolation Unit on August 8, 2021. This patient eventually tested negative on PCR and was discharged for transfer to the Dominica China Friendship Hospital, however, the patient subsequently scummed to the illness on August 26, 2021. The third COVID-19 related death was a 78-year-old male, who was admitted to COVID Isolation Unit on August 18, 2021, and he also passed away on August 26, 2021. The fourth COVID-19 death was a 74-year-old female, who was admitted to the same unit on August 22, 2021 and passed away on August 27, 2021.  Focusing on health protocols, Dr Johnson urged that the owners and managers of business places must provide training, education material and enforcement on proper sanitization, hand washing, respiratory etiquette and use of appropriate protective equipment at their business places. All employees must wear a face mask and face shield while performing services. Washable or reusable face masks are not recommended for service providers. COVID-19 Care Complex Aimed at venting the spread of COVID-19 infections and minimizing the pandemic’s negative impact on Dominica, the government has taken steps to expand the infrastructure to create the COVID-19 care complex. Terrilia Ravaliere, Principle Nursing Officer, said that this facility basically is a collection of retrofitted facilities located in Portsmouth dedicated to isolating and treating people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Based on the current health protocols, isolation in the health facility is recommended for persons who are unable to self isolate at home for various reasons. “The COVID-19 care complex in Dominica is largest and most centrally located healthcare facility which is dedicated to the treatment of COVID-19 patients. It is equipped to accommodate patients with COVID-19 symptoms ranging from mild to severe. For the period of July 25 to August 26, the facility managed an average of 406 patients on a daily basis with an average of 67 patients being admitted per day. There are 417 individuals admitted to the different units, 125 of which who have moderate to severe symptoms and 293 with mild symptoms,” Ravaliere elaborated. The complex includes a network of nine facilities run by a group of competent and dedicated nursing and medical personnel.  Rather than COVID-19, It has been noted that a high percentage of patients admitted to the facility suffer from chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and chronic kidney diseases. All patients are provided with free nutritious meals on a daily basis, and no visitors are allowed at the facility. However, drop-offs of items to patients are accepted.