PM Drew shares sustainable island state agenda with potential investors in Dubai
PM Dr. Drew met the renowned entrepreneur from Dubai, Ayman Al Yaman, who expressed his interest in exploring St Kitts and Nevis for business
Monday, 22nd April 2024

The meetings focused on sharing the vision of the Sustainable Island State Agenda with PM Drew, encouraging the investors to explore St. Kitts and Nevis further as the country is open to business and has the right environment for development.
While sharing glimpses of the meetings on his official Facebook account, the Prime Minister noted, "Among the interested individuals was very well-known Dubai content creator and entrepreneur Ayman Al Yaman, who I also chatted with in relation to the orange economy. He even engaged me on his very popular reel."Meeting with such potential investors is very necessary as it lets them know about the island nation and its offerings.
Through such meetings, Prime Minister Drew has shown his commitment and dedication towards bringing more investors into the country who will further expand their business and make it a win-win situation both for the investors and the Federation.In addition to this, in the reel shared by Ayman AI Yaman on his official Instagram account, he is seen asking Dr. Drew, "Excellency, What do you do for a living to which he gave a sarcastic reply that he is the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis." The content creator replied that that was amazing and asked him about his trip to Dubai.
PM Drew said that so far, he has been enjoying himself as the people are nice, making the country nice. "And I'm enjoying myself, and I'm here with my lovely wife," he added.
Moreover, the citizens and residents of St Kitts and Nevis have also lauded the Prime Minister for holding these significant meetings. "Under Labour, good things happening, God Bless You, PM," wrote a citizen named Vera Brookes through Facebook comments, while another user said, "Keep pushing and put our Federation name in Lights every time. Bless up."Latest
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