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Hafiz Saeed to face trial for terror financing charges on December 7

Saturday, 7th December 2019

Head of the prohibited dread outfit Jamat-ud-Dawa (JuD) and genius of the 2008 Mumbai fear assaults Hafiz Saeed will be arraigned on fear financing charges by an enemy of psychological warfare court in Lahore one month from now, news office PTI gave an account of Saturday.

An Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) in Lahore held a conference against Saeed and his accessories on dread financing on Saturday. The court fixed December 7 as the date for the arraignment of the JuD boss and others.

"ATC judge Arshad Hussain Bhutta fixed December 7 for Saeed's arraignment in the wake of hearing the contentions of the indictment and safeguarded legal counsellors," a court official said after the conference.

Examiner Abdur Rauf Bhatti mentioned the court to hold a normal hearing to complete the preliminary at the soonest. Saeed's legal advisors questioned the solicitation.

"The judge said he needs to finish up the preliminary on proof and legitimacy," the authority stated, including that the court dismissed the procedures till December 7.

The JuD pioneer was brought to the counter fear-mongering court amid tight security from Pakistan's Kot Lakhpat prison. The media were not permitted to enter the court to cover the procedures because of safety efforts received by the Punjab Police.

The Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) of the Punjab Police had enrolled 23 FIRs against Saeed and his accessories on the charges of "dread financing" in various urban areas of the Punjab territory. It captured the JuD boss on July 17. He is kept at the Kot Lakhpat prison in Lahore.

The cases have been enlisted in Lahore, Gujranwala and Multan for an assortment of assets for fear financing through resources/properties made and held in the names of Trusts/Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) including Al-Anfaal Trust, Dawatul Irshad Trust and Muaz Bin Jabal Trust.

Under strain from the worldwide network, the Pakistani specialists have propelled examinations concerning matters of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), JuD and its philanthropy wing the Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) for their holding and utilisation of trusts to raise assets for fear-mongering financing.

As per the CTD, the examination was propelled into financing matters of banished associations - JuD and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) - regarding usage of the UN sanctions against these assigned elements and people as coordinated by NSC (National Security Committee) in its January 1 gathering led by head administrator Imran Khan for executing National Action Plan.

"These presume made resources from psychological warfare financing reserves. They held and utilised these advantages to raise more assets for more fear financing. Consequently, they submitted numerous offences of psychological oppression financing and illegal tax avoidance under the Anti-Terrorism Act 1997. They will be indicted in ATCs (Anti Terrorism Courts) for the commission of these offences," the CTD said.

The US Department of the Treasury has assigned Saeed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist, and the US, since 2012, has offered a USD 10 million compensation for data that brings JuD boss to equity.

On July 3, top 13 pioneers of the prohibited JuD, including Saeed and Naib Emir Abdul Rehman Makki, were reserved in about two dozen cases for fear financing and tax evasion under the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997.

The CTD had enrolled an FIR against Saeed and others for unlawfully getting a land parcel in Lahore and setting up a theological college.

As indicated by authorities, JuD's system incorporates 300 theological colleges and schools, medical clinics, a distributing house and emergency vehicle administration.

In March, Punjab police said that administration held onto control of 160 theological colleges, 32 schools, two universities, four medical clinics, 178 ambulances and 153 dispensaries related with the JuD and its philanthropy wing FIF in the territory.

At any rate, 56 theological schools and offices being controlled by the JuD and FIF in southern Sindh region were likewise taken over by experts around the same time.

Saeed-drove JuD is accepted to be the leading association for the LeT which is answerable for doing the 2008 Mumbai assault that murdered 166 individuals.

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