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We will continue to build a stronger and safer future for St Kitts and Nevis, says PM Harris in his New Year address

Thursday, 2nd January 2020

Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Timothy Harris addressed the inhabitants of the nation on the first day of 2020 through his broadcast. PM congratulated everyone for another prosperous year.

Prime Minister stated that he would continue building a stronger and safer future of St Kitts and Nevis. He even discussed the economic growth of the nation under the administration of 'Team Unity' government.

"Our economy today is stronger than ever before. Our debt-to-GDP ratio is around 55 per cent which is the best standing among the independent states of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU). And we achieved this milestone more than 12 years ahead of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union's target date of 2030." added PM Timothy Harris.

Furthermore, he said that the country now has more money to make safer streets, along with building bigger and better houses. He said finances are good enough to make investments in health and education system which will provide more opportunities for young people.

"We are the best example of a well-managed small island state with fiscal balances, information and communication technology development, per capita income, the rule of law, our appeal as a cruise destination, and the strength and attractiveness of our passport" added Prime Minister of SKN.

He added that the low-income households are being taken care of by the government with Poverty Alleviation Programme, Roof Repair Programme and HELP Home Improvement Programme.

He stated that the Team Unity Administration resolved the payments of more than 2,000 former sugar workers by securing benefits that were denied under the previous administration.

Counting the achievements of Team Unities coalition government, Prime Minister emphasised on being the first country in the OECS to introduce and implement an e-services platform for the public to register and license new vehicles and renew drivers' and vehicle licenses.

"We can make 2020 the year future generations look back on and say that this is when St. Kitts and Nevis stepped up."

Timothy Harris added that with a new year, several new projects are coming to St Kitts and Nevis including w hotels, new investments in housing, new resources for health and education, a real focus on agriculture, and unprecedented investment in information technology.

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Thursday, 2nd January 2020

Gary Griffith- Trinidad and Tobago