Thursday, 6th March 2025

Premier Mark Brantley asks people to act responsibly in the dire situation

Premier of Nevis, Mark Brantley showed concerns about the rising anxiety in the public after the Prime Minister announced new restrictions in the country.

Sunday, 27th June 2021

Premier Brantley asks people to act responsibly in the dire situation
Premier of Nevis, Mark Brantley showed concerns about the rising anxiety in the public after the Prime Minister announced new restrictions in the country. He also asked the people to be vigilant and not make jokes about the current COVID-19 situation in the country. Full statement of Premier Mark Brantley My brothers and sisters, I am seeing a lot being said on social media about the current situation with Covid19 in our beloved Federation and the announcements made by our Prime Minister last evening. The Prime Minister announced what was decided by the Cabinet that he leads. With 313 active cases on our sister St. Kitts and Zero on Nevis, the Federal Cabinet has quite wisely sought to localize the response with restrictions on both islands but more stringent restrictions on the island of St Kitts “at this time”. I emphasize “at this time” because we know this virus is very unpredictable and at any moment we can have a similar outbreak on Nevis. If and when that happens then the island of Nevis also can expect a hard lockdown. We of these two islands are one people and as brothers and sisters we must protect each other. We know that COVID is a dangerous and highly contagious disease and one that if it gets loose in any community can destroy us all. We know that Covid comes not to lime for a little while but to kill. This is no joke and a responsible government must do what it can to protect its people. I am therefore concerned that some are seeking to use this to divide our  people. Some are taking to social and other media to say things which foster division. 2 year old videos of our brothers and sisters assembling at our ferry dock in St Kitts to travel to Nevis for Wet Fete are being circulated as current to create fear and mistrust and division. Why any sensible person would seek to sow discord division and chaos at this difficult time where our island and Nation faces life and death is truly beyond me. I call on ALL our people to act responsibly in this dire situation in which we find ourselves. Nevisians should not be boastful that we have no cases “at this time”because but for the grace of God there goeth Nevis also. Kittitians should not be resentful that Nevis has fewer restrictions “at this time” because at any point over the next few days or weeks the people on Nevis can be similarly afflicted with this dreaded virus.  Asking our brothers and sisters in St Kitts to shelter in place and not travel to Nevis and asking Nevisians not to travel to St Kitts is a manifestation of being our brothers’ keeper and the love we have for each other. At this time there is no room for jokes or chest beating or pontificating. There is no room for division and discord. We are one people and our Government continues to be led by the science and the data in fashioning solutions to this pandemic. I ask each of us wherever we are to stop and consider what we can do to help the situation.  If there was ever a time that our country needed all of us, that time is now. Go out and get vaccinated. The life you save might be your own or that of your child or elderly parent. And in all that we do brothers and sisters let us humble ourselves and seek God’s face and call out to Him the all powerful and all merciful that His face may continue to shine on our twin island Federation