Dr Drew welcomes 30 nurses and three intensive care specialists from Cuba
Dr Terrance Drew is volunteering in assisting and spreading awareness among people of the nation regarding the COVID-19.
Sunday, 29th March 2020

Thirty nurses and three intensive care specialists from Cuba arrived in St Kitts and Nevis to help the country in fighting the COVID-19, which has killed thousands of people across the world.
Team Unity government and opposition SKN Labour Party, both are on the toes to secure the people of the nation. Dr Terrance Drew reached out to Robert L. Bradshaw international airport to receive medical professionals who reached from Cuba to assist SKN in containing COVID-19.
St Kitts and Nevis government have already declared a 'state of emergency' after two patients were tested positive of Coronavirus in the twin-island nation. As a precautionary measure, a curfew is also imposed for fourteen days from 7 pm 5 am.
Dr Terrance Drew has also contributed by donating Coronavirus testing kits to the Health Ministry of St Kitts and Nevis.
Dr Drew also emphasised that Coronavirus examination must be increased in St Kitts and Nevis. He applauded the testing system adopted by South Korea and asserted that St Kitts and Nevis must also do more tests because the more tests are conducted, the more information is produced.
Dr Terrance Drew, who is the general election candidate of St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party from constituency number eight, is getting excellent response from people on social media for his efforts to curb the virus.
Dr Terrance Drew is taking the health care system of St Kitts and Nevis exceptionally seriously and also travelled to visit one of the best-facilitated hospitals of Europe in Germany.
He has been spreading awareness about Coronavirus in schools, virtual public meetings and also in schools, says that everyone must maintain social distancing to break the chain of the virus which has infected 677,660 people and killed 31,737 across the world.
A social media user, Shani Browne, commented," If I had one wish, it would be to make Dr Drew Minister of Health until the elections come."
Erick Johnson, another social media user, commented, "Dr Drew has the skills to help St Kitts and Nevis come out of the dilemma of Coronavirus."
Another user acclaimed Doctor Drew and described his skills as 'real leadership'.
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