Wednesday, 18th September 2024

St Kitts: Members of public register strong support for police and RSS

The public display of support has been motivational for the members of the St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force

Wednesday, 14th November 2018

©Benjamin Parker

With a heightened sense of safety and security increasing across the federation, members of the public placed on record their strong support for the Police and members of the Regional Security Service (RSS) as they continue to carry out numerous operations island-wide.

The public display of support has been motivational for the members of the St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force who face the difficult daily task of keeping communities around the federation safe. During several recent "Policing With You" Programmes, an overwhelming number of callers – both regular callers and new ones from abroad and within the federation – expressed their satisfaction for the efforts being put into curbing crime.

One caller said, "I just want to commend you all for the great work that the Police Force is doing and I highly recommend that the RSS is here...when you got people in the society or the community [who] gonna be against penalising people when they break the law and people in the society are against locking up people when they commit crime and break the law, that is giving leeway to others..."

Another caller shared a personal experience, stating that even before the RSS came, he had seen the different local forces patrolling around the town. He went on to say that that made him feel safe and he knew that now the RSS Officers are here, they are helping the local Officers with the ground work.

"You all...have to work with the RSS to get order, you understand, because this country ain't no rogue country. All these guys gotta respect they self and respect the law," another caller stated firmly.

An overseas caller said that she believed that having the RSS in the federation assisting had probably already saved lives and prevented several house break-ins.

One caller encouraged the Officers by saying, "the crime needs to go down because it's terrible...and I well want it down, and all you don't study them. All you doing a good job. All your officers [are] doing a good job and just let them keep it up."

Another caller said, "people always want things their way. It's [been] a long time we needed something like this. Don't be scared. A lot of people praying for you all. I am happy for you all. People like to advantage people. The RSS come with our men to help cut down the crime...People will always talk, but don't be scared of the talk."

A few callers used the opportunity to ask questions about rumours of Police and RSS Officers using excessive force during operations. They were assured by the senior Police Officers on the programmes that there were measures in place to provide oversight during any kind of operation and that the one report made to the Office of Professional Standards was being investigated.

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