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PM Terrance Drew stood in solidarity with Saint Lucia on 45th Independence Day

Sunday, 25th February 2024

Saint Lucia Independence Day Graphic (PC: Twitter)
St Lucia celebrates its 45th Independence Day, St Kitts & Nevis PM Terrance Drew took to social media with an extensive post where he extends support, celebration and solidarity to the neighbouring island of Saint Lucia.

On Facebook he shared


I extend heartfelt congratulations to our friends and neighbours in St. Lucia as you celebrate your Independence Day under the theme “Douvan Ansanm: Building a Nation through Unity, Resilience, and Creativity.”

Today, we stand in solidarity to celebrate the achievements and aspirations of St. Lucia. May the spirit of unity continue to strengthen your nation, may resilience guide you through challenges, and may creativity inspire innovation and growth.”

The writing was accompanied by a graphic that stated “Happy St. Lucia 22 February – Wish you a grand Independence Day!”

Saint Lucia gained independence in 1979, and ever since the government set up a wide variety of events leading up to the 22nd to celebrate the nation's culture and heritage. The day, recognized as a public holiday, featured the National Independence Rally as well as a Military Parade in the rural community of Soufriere. The island already held early celebration events across the country and the Diaspora, through the National Baton Relay.

The day began with a solemn military parade held in the capital city, Castries. This showcased the nation's defence forces and served as a tribute to those who have served the country. Following the parade, the Prime Minister delivered an address to the nation, reflecting on the country's progress and outlining future aspirations.

Prime Minister Philip Pierre stated

“Although we attained Independence 45 years ago, we are still encumbered by some aspects of colonial rule. It was only last year our country acceded to the Caribbean Court of Justice, as our final Appellate Court to replace the United Kingdom-based Privy Council. But this is not the end; we have to acknowledge, that at this juncture in nation-building, there is still work to be done to finally proclaim our true liberation from colonial rule.”

Midway through the address, he shifts his focus and attention to the younger population of the nation saying “To the Youth of Saint Lucia, I say, let us use this occasion of the 45th anniversary of our independence to resolve to further unleash our creativity. Let the world feel once again what we can achieve, what we can accomplish. Let us use our creative talents to build a stronger, more economically powerful nation, a Saint Lucia that can be an example to the world.”

The streets of Saint Lucia were full of colourful parades, cultural performances and local affairs, from the world beyond the island the national flag was displayed throughout the world, social media was full of messages of celebration and congratulations, and international dignitaries and organizations extended their good wishes to the nation's progress and achievement.

Beyond the festivities, Independence Day served as an opportunity for Saint Lucians to reflect on their history, cultural heritage, and shared aspirations for the future. The vibrant celebrations highlighted the nation's strong sense of identity and its commitment to building a brighter tomorrow.

Saint Lucia's 45th Independence Day celebrations served as a powerful testament to the nation's rich heritage, unwavering spirit, and commitment to a brighter future. The outpouring of support and well wishes from regional neighbours and the international community further solidified the island's place within the global landscape.

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