Wednesday, 5th March 2025

Election 2020 - Landslide victory for Team Unity in St Kitts and Nevis

Team Unity coalition has officially declared their victory in General Elections 2020.

Friday, 5th June 2020

Electoral office of St Kitts and Nevis has officially declared the victory of Team Unity coalition in general elections held on Friday. The incumbent government has retained power by defeating St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party.

Results of general elections in St Kitts and Nevis has started to come out. SKNLP and Team Unity have been long waiting for this moment. The counting of votes has started and the final result would be out in any minute from now.

The political parties mainly fought these elections on the issues like post coronavirus future, stimulus packages, health care, education and tourism.

7:45 am: Team Unity makes widespread victory in St Kitts and Nevis leaving its tricolour on all Nevis constituencies including 9, 10, 11. Along with that, till now St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party managed to capture only constituency number 6, which is led by Leader of the political front, Dr Denzil Douglas.

Constituency number 3 which has been Stronghold of SKNLP since decades, taken from Labour by 90 votes, as PLP candidate Akilah Nisbett clinched victory in last polling stations defeating Konris Maynard.

3:40 am: Geoffrey Hanely climbs the lead against Ian Liburd in Constituency 1. He leads 810 to 708.

Jonel Powell in Constituency 2 continues to rise over Marcella Liburd. He is up 766 to 690.

A ding-dong battle is brewing in Constituency 3 where incumbent Konris Maynard of the SKNLP is getting a good fight from Akilah Byron-Nisbett. Maynard narrowly leads 1,041 to 948 with two polling stations pending.

12:50: In polling station 06, Timothy Harris has received 220 votes and SKNLP candidate received only 73

12:47: In constituency number 09, Nevis, CCM Candidate Mark Brantley received 105 votes and Dr Kelvin of NRP received 98 votes in the first polling station. Similarly in 2A CCM candidate Mark Brantley received 79 votes and NRP candidate received 56 votes. From 2B, NRP candidate is behind from Brantley with 34 votes. In 3A Brantley is again leading 62 votes, similarly, in 3B he is leading with a significant number, However, the trends are changed in 6A where Brantley received only 66 votes while NRP candidate has received 79 votes. Even in 6B NRP candidate is leading leaving behind Branley with 27 votes. In another polling station, Brantley received 27 votes while his opponent has received 24 votes showing a tough competition.

12:45 - From Nevis 11, where NRP candidate Alexis Jeffers was leading with a significant number, but now as per the results of 4A, 4B and polling station five, CCM candidate Alexis Jeffers is leading from NRP candidate Patrice Nisbitt with total 121 votes overall from the respective polling stations of constituency number eleven.

12:42- As per the results of polling station 2A of consistency number four, Team Unity candidate received 130 votes, SKNLP Steve Wrensford received 123 votes. Similarly, in the polling station number 2B where 328 voters registered, Lindsay Grant received 127 votes and Steve Wrensford received 96.

12:40- In constituency number 02, SKNLP candidate Marcella Liburd was ahead seven votes from Team Unity candidate Jonel Powell from polling station one, however, the trends changed in polling station 1B, where 333 voters were registered and Ms Liburd received 91 votes and Jonel Powell received 96.

12:37- In constituency number 1, SKNLP candidate Geoffrey Hanley is ahead of Team Unity candidate Ian Patches Liburd with 21 votes from polling station number 1.

12:17 am: In constituency number seven and polling station four, Timothy Harris has received 208 votes while SKNLP candidate Leon Natta-Nelson received 74 votes.

12:15 am: SKNLP candidate Kenneth Douglas of SKNLP is still ahead of Shawn Richards of Team Unity from polling station 4. Kenny received 69 votes while Richards has received 167 votes from polling station number four.

12:10 am - From polling station 4B in constituency number 04, team Unity candidate Lindsay Grant received 94 votes and SKNLP candidate Steve Wrensford received 84 votes. Lindsay Grant has been leading so far from all polling stations.

11:20: In constituency number five of St Kitts, Shawn Richards of Team Unity received 166 votes in polling station one, while SKNLP candidate Kenneth Douglas received only 71. Similarly in the second polling station, Richards received 108 and Kenny Douglas only 81. Similarly, in polling station number there and four, Shawn Richards is leading from Kenny Douglas in constituency number five.

11:14 pm- NRP candidate Patrice Nisbitt is leading in constituency number 11 from Nevis. CCM candidate Alexis Nisbitt was ahead with four votes in initial trends, however in the count of the voting from second polling station 2A, Jeffers received only 88 and Nisbitt received 113 votes out of 225 votes cast, there were also four rejected ballots. Similarly in 2B, Jeffers received 78 ballots and Nisbtt received 120 and in the third polling station, Nisbitt is ahead of another 17 votes.

11:06 pm: Team Unity leader Dr Timothy Harris has received 262 votes in Polling station number one in constituency number 7, whereas SKNLP candidate Leon-Natta Nelson received 70 votes. Similarly, in polling station number two, Dr Harris received 302 votes while Natta Nelson received just 45 votes.

11:00 pm: Lindsay Grant of Team Unity is ahead of SKNLP candidate Steve Wrensford and independent candidate Jason Thomas with a significant lead.

10:40 pm -Victory has been declared for Concerned Citizens Movement in constituency number 10. In constituency number ten there were 1774 voters registered whereas Eric Evelyn of CCM Movement received 710 and Nevis Reformer Party Candidate Hanley received 167 votes. There were one spoilt ballot and three rejected ballots. Member elected for Nevis 10 is Eric Evelyn of CCM.

10:35: In constituency number 6, Dr Denzil Douglas of Labour Party received 268 votes and Kevin Williams of Team Unity has so far received only 41 votes.

10:30 pm In polling station 1B, Steve Wrensford of Labour received 49 votes and Lindsay Grant of Team Unity received 108.

Initial countings revealed that NRP candidate Bjorn Hanley is way beyond from CCM candidate Eric Evelyn from constituency number 10 in Nevis. As per the countings of three ballots, Evelyn has received 421 votes and Hanley only 113 votes.

10:20 pm In constituency number four, Team Unity candidate Lindsay Grant is ahead from Labour Party candidate Steve Wrensford in initial trends. Only one ballot box is opened where Grant received 119 votes and Wrensford only 61.