Monday, 31st March 2025

“Lennox Linton calling for civil commotion in Dominica”

Dominicans are anger over the actions being taken by UWP and its leader Lennox Linton.

Thursday, 26th September 2019

Dominica, A small Island in the Caribbean is fast approaching towards its upcoming general elections. The parliamentary elections are due by the year 2020 and the elections of 21 parliamentary constituencies will decide the fate of the political parties and the citizens of the country.

Commonwealth of Dominica merely has a population of around 72 thousand people but still, the politics seem quite perplexing in the country.

The country has Dominica Labour Party and Prime Minister Dr Roosevelt Skerrit in power from almost two decades. After the Hurricane Maria devastated the island in the year 2017, PM Skerrit promised to give away free houses to Hurricane Victims and managed to bring back the nation on its feet after the devastation.

As the elections are coming near, political parties are briskly running their campaigns. The opposition, United Workers Party and its Leader Lennox Linton seems to be mollycoddling the ambience of the ‘Nature Island’.

Recently, Lennox Linton came up with imaginary calculations of CBIP money and made allegations on the government of missing 1.2 billion EC Dollars without any solid evidence.

However, the world’s second-largest audit firm PwC presented a report illustrating how the CBI money is earned by the government by mentioning of criteria.

Lennox Linton seems very ambitious to become the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica that he is ready to ruin the peaceful atmosphere of the country.

In his recent meeting, Linton and his team members announced to make efforts to get the help of the FBI, High Court and the Police Commissioner to justify their allegations of missing money on the Government and the current Prime Minister.

Several Dominican are sighted exasperated following the announcement of opposition to giving pace to the public disobedience. People also criticised Linton for his behaviour by sharing a screenshot stating, “Mr Lennox Linton, the Leader of the Opposition, is calling for civil commotion in Dominica and international forensic experts to investigate the alleged theft of CBI funds based solely on his opinion!!! At the edge of lunacy!!”

Linton is being criticised for the road he has opted to win the general elections. People of the country seem unhappy with the actions being taken by UWP and its leader.

However, the allegations of money embezzlement made by Lennox Linton are merely based on his own opinion and he has been refusing to accept any report presented by the world’s leading audit firms.

Actions taken by opposition or specifically by Lennox Linton are continuously being criticized by the local public, in this scenario, the panic among UWP is resulting against them.