Monday, 31st March 2025

IDB grants approval to $55 million financial aid Haiti

Monday, 8th July 2019

With an aim to strengthen public management by providing financial assistance, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) granted an approval to donate $55 million to a project which will improve the service delivery in Haiti.

This new project is expected to improve the productivity of Haiti's public sector, along with that, it will make the working more effective and efficient.

The new project will improve the labour productivity and management resources of the public administration. It will expand the coverage of services provided by the Ministry of Public Works, Transportation, and Communications (MTPTC), Ministry of Agriculture and the Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR).

IDB funded project will support the Office of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and  Human Resources Management (OMRH) in the implementation of policies that guarantee meritocracy in access to public positions and improving the control of spending on salaries. Which will further strengthen the management of public sector personnel.

With the strengthening of the computer system, the project will improve the quality of spending. However, the Biometric Registry will be implemented to improve the control of personnel management.

Along with many other factors, the project will also support measures to promote the professionalization and improvement of public human resources skills, training plans and continuous development of competencies, and the implementation of management tools such as a new job classification structure to improve the composition of resources human beings in these ministries.

In addition, it will support the functional reorganization, the strengthening of the administration of human and financial resources, and the operation of key services in the aforementioned ministries.