Monday, 10th February 2025

Dominica: Govt launches Kalinago Development Fund to uplift social-economic situation of people

Thursday, 10th March 2022

Dominica: Govt launches Kalinago Development Fund to uplift social-economic situation of people
Roseau, Dominica: The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica launched the Kalinago Development Fund (KDF) to provide easier access to credit for Kalinago people to build resilience, sustain livelihoods, increase earnings and household incomes, launch financially viable businesses and create employment on Wednesday, March 9, 2022.

Prime Minister Dr Roosevelt Skerrit addressed the launch ceremony and stated that it is a progressive move towards the sustainable development of Dominica's indigenous people. The Kalinago Development Fund is designed to lift people out of economic dependence, increase opportunities to build wealth and create avenues for growth in agriculture, enterprise and education.

Outlining the benefits of the KDF, PM Skerrit noted, "It will build capacity and ensure that the people of Kalinago territory can more actively participate in the social and economic life of our country".

The establishment of the KDF is only the latest effort of the government to address the existing social-economic needs of the community. He added that it builds on the recent investors in housing agriculture, small business and craft development and disaster risk mitigation.

PM Skerrit further highlighted the various projects of his government and stated that just last month, the local political government launched an over five million dollar resilience-building project in Kalinga territory to boost climate resilience capacity and empower residents to respond to disaster effects. As part of the project, a multi-purpose facility will be constructed to serve as an emergency shelter and community centre for skills training and other educational, cultural and social activity.

"Through the life of the project, residents of the Kalinago territory will be gainfully employed, and upon its completion, the indigenous people will be assured enhanced safety and security during adverse weather events, the prime minister said.

Construction is progressing on 50 homes in the Kalinago territory at the cost of 10 million dollars and 24 of which are due for completion by June this year, PM Skerrit said.

While highlighting the aim of the project, PM Skerrit emphasized that the main aim of the project is to reduce the risk and increase climate resilience in the territory and, in the process, improve the quality of life of the Kalinago people. An additional 107 homes have been approved under the housing recovery project, with some at various stages of construction and completion.

An amount of eight hundred and sixty thousand dollars ($860,000.00) has been disbursed to the AID Bank to begin capitalizing the Fund for lending to people of Kalinago ancestry, at an interest rate of two percent (2%).

"I also pledged an additional $1million per year to the Fund, which will be included in the national budget over the next five years", PM Skerrit stressed.

The monies in the Fund are intended for, but not limited to, residential and commercial development, cultural development, enterprise development, crop production and processing, education, off-shore fisheries, art and craft, tourism ancillary industries and climate resilience and renewable energy development, underscored prime minister.

PM Skerrit further asserted that he believed this marks a turning point in the development of the Kalinago Territory, and he also encouraged Kalinago brothers and sisters to take full advantage of this new facility.