Monday, 31st March 2025

Jamaica to become a "Republic" in 2025 by removing Queen as its head

Jamaica will declare itself a Republic in the coming general elections, which are scheduled to take place in 2025.

Wednesday, 8th June 2022

Jamaica will declare itself a Republic in the coming general elections, which are scheduled to take place in 2025. Marlene Malahoo Forte- The Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, gave the update on Tuesday during her address at the House of Representatives 2022/23 Sectoral Debate. The decision comes as the island celebrates 60 years of independence from the United Kingdom, emphasising that the process was lengthy and involved.  On Tuesday, Malahoo Forte announced the formation of a Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC), which will also include members of the opposition. "Between now and the adoption of a new constitution, there are numerous measures to be taken. It is my objective, in heading the process, to work assiduously before the Parliament unless, of course, something more pressing happens to overtake for the opening of the next session," she said. The goal, according to the minister, is to finish the work before the next session "so that steps can be made in time for the next general election." She clarified that a session is defined as the sitting of that House when it first meets following the prorogation of Parliament" in reference to a House,".  She emphasised that there are regulations governing what happens during a session of Parliament and what happens between sessions. Malahoo Forte revealed that she has already written to the Leader of the Opposition, requesting that he appoint two members of the opposition to the reform committee. "I have outlined the committee's work in broad terms, stating, for example, that it will conduct a thorough and comprehensive review of the 1962 Constitution, including the 2011 Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedom, as well as recommendations for reform made by previous constitutional reform commissions and committees, to ultimately implementing an ambitious reform agenda, settled by consensus," the president said. "A Bill for an Act of Parliament to remove Her Majesty by amending section 34 of the Constitution of Jamaica, which establishes the Parliament of Jamaica consisting of Her Majesty, a Senate, and a House of Representatives, shall not be deemed to be passed unless it is supported by not less than two-thirds of all members in either House at the final vote thereon," she explained. Malahoo Forte pointed out that the Jamaica Labour Party government can secure the required two-thirds majority vote of 41 of the 63 votes in the House of Representatives during the current Parliament's term, but it will need to persuade one of the eight Opposition senators to vote with the government. A referendum on the issue should also be held among Jamaicans.

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