Sunday, 23rd February 2025

Governor general to seek legal advice as PAM, CCM shows no confidence motion for PM Harris

The governor-general of St Kitts and Nevis, Sir SW Tapley Seaton, has accepted the letter sent to him by seven representatives PAM and CCM.

Friday, 22nd April 2022

Governor general to seek legal advice as PAM, CCM shows no confidence motion for PM Harris
The governor-general of St Kitts and Nevis, Sir SW Tapley Seaton, has accepted the letter sent to him by seven representatives of the People's Action Movement (PAM) and Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM). The partners of the "Team Unity" government presented a "motion of no-confidence" against Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris.  In a reply, the governor-general wrote, "I wish to acknowledge the receipt of a communication addressed to me; it bears no date. I note the request contained therein. Consistent with my duty to seek formal legal advice, I wish to advise that I will do so and revert to you at the earliest,".
Following Parliament, Representatives wrote the letter to the governor-general
  1. Shawn Kenneth Richards (Deputy Prime Minister and Elected Representative for Constituency number 5, St Kitts)
  2. Eugene Alistair Hamilton (Elected Representative for Constituency number 8, St Kitts)
  3. Lindsay Fitzgerald Grant (Elected Representative for Constituency number 4)
  4. Jonel Powell (Elected Representative for Constituency number 2)
  5. Mark Anthony Graham Brantley (Elected Representative for Constituency number 9, Nevis)
  6. Eric Rohan Evelyn (Elected Representative for Constituency number 10, Nevis)
  7. Alexis Alison Jeffers (Elected Representative for Constituency number 11)
Shawn Richards- Leader of the People's Action Movement, made it clear on Thursday evening that the Team Unity members are unhappy with the workmanship of the Prime Minister, Dr Timothy Harris. Richards and Brantley, on behalf of their representatives, gave out a deadline to Prime Minister Harris to solve their concerns, but apparently, he (PM Harris) failed to do so on the given date (Wednesday, 20 April 2022). Following that, seven out of the total 11 parliament members wrote to the governor-general, showing a "motion of no-confidence". Mark Brantley and Shawn Richards have been accusing Prime Minister Timothy Harris of ignoring the principles of "Team Unity" and avoiding to bring out transparency.  Prime Minister Timothy Harris also addressed the public on Thursday and assured them he is doing everything to maintain "peace" in the Federation. He also stated that the country is under ten day mourning period to show respect to Late Ambassador Vance Amory.