Friday, 7th March 2025

International Day of Forests celebrated; OECS announces documentary on restoration of forestlands in Grenada

Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) celebrated International Day of Forests on 21st march 2024. Announced a documentary on Restoration of Woodland and Woburn forests in Grenada.

Friday, 22nd March 2024

Mangrove forest conservation is one of the main highlights of the EU funded project.
The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) celebrated the International Day of Forests on 21st march 2024. The theme for this year was, “Celebrating Forests and Innovation for a Sustainable Future”. This theme was especially relevant in the case of the eastern Caribbean as its forests play an important role in their local biome. Adding to the spirits of the day, OECS announced a documentary on this occasion. This documentary will shed light on the topic of “Restoration of Woodlands and Woburn forests in Grenada”. These forests were restored remarkably following the hurricane 'Ivan' in 2004.

The documentary will highlight the ongoing efforts of EU in making the restoration project successful. It will also portray the dedication and efforts of the locals for restoring the Woodlands and Woburn forests.

The eastern Caribbean forests play a very crucial role in maintaining the water levels, balancing environmental factors, providing shelter and habitat for the wild animals in the region. In addition to this, the forest lands also contribute largely in the socio-economic aspects of the locality.

OECS is associating with BioSPACE for an EU funded project. The project focuses on providing support in flood relief measures in Woburn and Woodlands Marine Protected Area. The project aims to increase water flow from the watershed to sea within 3 months. In addition to this, increasing the mangrove population and building underground drainage system to reduce runoff of fresh rainwater into the sea are the main aims.

These objectives were established considering the needs of the residents and locals of the eastern Caribbean. The project took farmers, businessmen and other working strata of the society into consideration. The forests fulfilling the economic needs of the locals was a criterion while establishing the objectives.

The forests not only contribute to the flora and fauna of the region but also provide means of livelihood to the locals. Hence reflecting upon its importance on this international day of forests was a welcomed step.