Sunday, 23rd February 2025

First-ever, yam rust affecting farms in Dominica

The Plant Protection and Quarantine Unit inform the public about a new disease affecting yams.

Wednesday, 26th May 2021

Dominica: The Plant Protection and Quarantine Unit inform the public about a new disease affecting yams. This disease is known as yam rust and has never been reported in Dominica, and it is of great importance to PPQU.

Acting Head of the unit for plant protection and quarantine, Nelson Laville, says a recent survey confirmed the presence of the disease on the island.

“With our literature study, we noticed that in the countries where it was first reported in 1936, it became epidemic in 2001, which means that it causes the yields and also the death of plants. In some cases, it is estimated at 80 percent in those countries. Therefore, we tried to do a survey through the island and discovered that it is not only in Calholm, but also in 5 to 6 other agricultural areas,” Laville said. The yam rust has been identified in two types of yams, the ladies yam and the white yam. Laville says all farmers should pay close attention to their farms to detect the disease.

“The areas of the yams are about 500 plus hectares nationally. And we are aware that this disease occurs in 5 or 6 of our agricultural regions, which means that all farmers must be vigilant and aware that this disease is present due to their limitations and that it can cause the potential economic loss to them,” he said.

Farmers are advised not to move plant material from one place to another, as this is one of the most important ways in which the disease can move.

"Due to this disease, we advise farmers not to move plant material. One of the most important ways to move this disease is the movement of plant material. We also know that farmers have different plots all over the island so that some people can farm in Colihaut, but also in Salisbury and in Penville, and they move throughout the island. We advise them that if you move between yards, you use a dilute bleach solution to sterilize your shoes, sterilize your tools, because the fungus can also move on this equipment,” Laville further explained.