Sunday, 23rd February 2025

Nevis records first COVID-19 related death

Premier of Nevis, Mark Brantley, sent out condolences to the family of the first COVID-19 related casualty on the island.

Monday, 13th September 2021

Nevis records first COVID-19 related death

Premier of Nevis, Mark Brantley, sent out condolences to the family of the first COVID-19 related casualty on the island. He said the deceased was a young person who succumbed to the deadly disease.

As per reports earlier, seven COVID-19 related deaths were recorded in St Kitts, while there had been no virus-related casualty on its fellow island of Nevis.

Mark Brantley stated that the death was recorded on Friday. He said COVID-19 is a severe disease, and everyone should take it seriously.

"I ask that we not allow this death nor the deaths of so many others in St Kitts and around our region and our world to go in vain. Let us heed the lesson that Covid is serious and that Covid has come to destroy lives and livelihoods," stated Premier Nevis.

The reports of the Ministry of Health showed that Nevis recorded 24-new cases on Friday, and four people were hospitalized due to the illness. The total number of confirmed cases is around 225, while there are only 161 active COVID-19 cases in Nevis.

Coronavirus recently started to surge in Nevis, schools and other government departments are also closed down. All places are encouraged to utilize virtual platforms to complete their work-related duties.

The government also started a curfew in the twin-island nation till September 22nd. The curfew starts from 1:01 a.m until 5:00 a.m.

St Kitts and Nevis government allowed all businesses to open under the health guidelines issued by the ministry of health. All businesses must practice social distancing, wearing of face masks, sanitizing hands etc. People who fail to comply with the rules will face the consequences, including the cancellation of license and more.

On September 1st, the country started its rollout of the Pfizer vaccine, which allows for children 12 and older to take the shot.

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