Sunday, 23rd February 2025

St Kitts and Nevis now holds the strongest passport in the Caribbean region

156 countries can be travelled without a prior visa on a St Kitts and Nevis Passport.

Thursday, 23rd April 2020

St Kitts and Nevis' passport has been ranked as the most efficient passport in the Caribbean. This passport allows visa-free access to 156 nations across the world.

Henley&Partners conducted a ranking survey based on the number of countries passport holders can travel without a prior visa revealed that passport of this Caribbean nation is now the strongest in the region and ranks 26th in the world.

The survey showcased the progress of this small Caribbean nation, and the country has stepped up by one since the beginning of 2020.

The official 2020 Q2 Passport Index observed that passports belonging to all different Caribbean citizenship-by-investment schemes are far behind St. Kitts and Nevis. The country is also recognised for operating the world’s oldest and most premium standard citizenship programme. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE RANKINGS

Citizenship by Investment advisors of Henley&Partners conducts annual research based on data collection from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) which maintains the world’s largest and most accurate database of travel information.

Across the entire Caribbean and Central America, St. Kitts and Nevis’s passport is surpassed by Barbados (23rd place) which does not have a citizenship-by-investment programme.

Other Caribbean nations rankings: Antigua and Barbuda (29th place), St. Lucia (33rd) and Grenada (35th). Dominica trails at the bottom of all Caribbean CBI programmes at 38th place, dropping from 37th place in January 2020, with entrance to just 140 countries.

St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship Investment Unit chief executive Les Khan applauded the performance of the country's passport. He stated that 2020 had been another accolade for St. Kitts and Nevis. This prestigious, autonomous, global ranking explicates that the St. Kitts and Nevis passport is acknowledged as considerably strongest among all Caribbean countries offering citizenship-by-investment programmes.

Les Khan added that it is an honour to be represented as most excellent in the region at these rankings.