Thursday, 19th September 2024

JUTC raises hope for arrival of 100 CNG buses amid sharp decline in fare revenue

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) announces the hope for the arrival of 100 new CNG buses. There has been a significant fall in the passengers and fare income with the rolling out of fewer buses on a monthly basis.

Thursday, 25th July 2024

Jamaica: The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) announces the hope for the arrival of 100 new CNG buses. There has been a significant fall in the passengers and fare income with the rolling out of fewer buses on a monthly basis. The introduction of new CNG buses would provide support in changing the company’s fortunes.

Considerably, the Economic and Social Survey of Jamaica 2023 states that there has been a decline in the count of buses being operated by the JUTC in Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region (KMTR) on a monthly basis. The number decreased by 31 as it decreased from 179 to 148, this as well was for the sixth consecutive year.

The records also stated that the revenue passenger trips were 13.9 million last year (2023) as compared to 18.1 million in 2022. And, the fare income for the same decreased from $1.6 billion to $1.2 billion. Where the revenue for charter trips came into light with the amount $87.3 million in 2023 as compared with the revenue of previous year that is $84.6 million.

There has been an overall decline as the reports by the Economic and Social Survey Jamaica (ESSJ) has stated that the count of new smarter cards issued under this were 5,682 that clears the decline of 3768 as compared to the stats of 2022. This comes with the revenue intake decreasing by $79.3 million to $357.4 million with the fewer number of cards issued.

The out-turn for this turned out as 28.8% for fare income when compared with the data of year 2022 which is 27.7%. In the Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region (KMTR), the Jamaican Urban Transit Company operated 65 regular, 28 express, 27 premium and three special service routes. 

And, the complementary services were provided by 293 sub-licensees which were operating on 43 routes that are relative to 289 sub-licensees operating on 38 routes in 2022.